
ID MRAVLAK, ALEŠ (Author), ID Možek, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 297C4FC2969025AEC370145D55AF0BB9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/42c4a8d6-e691-4c1a-b79b-18ad8fed1267

Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je predstavitev izdelave krmilne elektronike za vzorčevalnik mleka, katere namen je izboljšati del procesa v mlečno predelovalni industriji. Na tržišču je trenutno moč najti le zelo drage in zahtevne sisteme za takšno delovanje. Za lažje razumevanje pomembnosti vzorčenja mleka, so najprej opisane njegove lastnosti, ter možne nevarnosti za njegov kvar in poneverbo. Na kratko je predstavljen vzorčevalnik mleka ter njegov princip delovanja. Predstavljena sta izbira in testiranje komponent, ki smo jih uporabili za krmilno elektroniko. Podrobno je predstavljeno načrtovanje tiskanega vezja za mikrokrmilnik Arduino. Opisana je tudi končna integracija in testiranje celotnega sestava v realno časovnem okolju.

Keywords:Arduino, koračni motor, krmilnik koračnega motorja, vzorčenje, tiskano integrirano vezje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81533 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2016
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The main aim of the thesis is to present the design and implementation of control electronics for a milk sampler. This sampler aims to improve part of the process in the dairy processing industry. Currently available systems are very expensive, complex and custom made. Initially, the milk characteristics and potential danger of milk spoiling and embezzlement are presented, emphasizing the need for milk sampling. There is also a brief presentation of the milk sampler and its principle of operation. Implemented components and their testing in the control electronics of the sampler are also described. The system is based on an Arduino mi-crocontroller. In the end, the final integration and testing of the whole sampling setup in a real time environment is presented.

Keywords:Arduino, stepper motor, stepper motor controller, sampling, printed circuit board

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