
Kompleksni dinamični model hidroelektrarne Mavčiče
ID NAGODE, KLEMEN (Author), ID Murovec, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E41F4265FBF9F03757C525CEFB16E2E3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9806b396-6d62-402e-9f19-4f5166d79755

Proizvodnja električne energije v današnjem času predstavlja pomembno gospodarsko panogo. Prizadevanje za energetsko neodvisnost na področju oskrbe z električno energijo je vitalen cilj politike vsake države. K temu cilju pomembno prispeva obratovanje hidroelektrarn z izkoriščanjem vodnega potenciala. Varna in zanesljiva proizvodnja električne energije z zagotavljanjem sistemskih storitev (regulacija frekvence, moči in napetosti, zagon agregata brez zunanjega napajanja, razbremenjevanje omrežja …) so glavne naloge obratovanja hidroelektrarn. Za kvalitetno izvajanje obratovanja in vzdrževanja je zahtevano podrobno poznavanje delovanja podsistemov agregata in večletne izkušnje pri preizkusih na realnem sistemu. Tovrstne preizkuse pa je zaradi deregulacije trga električne energije in strogih pravil glede odstopanja od dispečerskih planov možno izvajati le v okviru vnaprejšnje najave ali pri rednih letnih vzdrževalnih delih. Razvoj zanesljivih simulacij, ki omogočajo preizkušanje obratovalnih scenarijev, ki jih na realnem sistemu ni možno izvesti, in omogočajo napredek v izboljšavah podsistemov, je dandanes nujen. Magistrsko delo obravnava izgradnjo kompleksnega dinamičnega modela hidroelektrarne Mavčiče, ki vključuje bistvene dinamične lastnosti glavnih podsklopov agregata in bližnjega 110-kV električnega omrežja. Model omogoča analizo podsklopov izbranega agregata in 110-kV bližnjega električnega omrežja pri obratovalnih scenarijih, ki so na realnem sistemu težko izvedljivi. Razviti model omogoča izvajanje simulacij v stabilnostnem in trenutnem načinu delovanja. V stabilnostnem načinu je v prvem primeru analizirano obremenjevanje in razbremenjevanje izbranega generatorja po delovni moči in vpliv na pretok delovne moči na sosednjih 110-kV daljnovodih. Rezultati simulacije so preverjeni z meritvami na ustreznem agregatu HE Mavčiče in na 110-kV daljnovodih, z različnimi kriteriji prilagajanja. Drugi primer, ki je v praksi težko izvedljiv, obravnava vpliv simulirane motnje frekvence na odziv turbinskega regulatorja, vzbujalnega sistema in posledično delovno moč agregata ter pretoke delovne moči na 110-kV električnem omrežju. Simulacijski model HE Mavčiče v stabilnostnem načinu omogoča analizo dinamičnega odziva izbranega agregata ob spremenjenih parametrih obratovanja, vpliva motenj, testiranja novih regulacijskih algoritmov in pripomore k boljšemu projektiranju primarne in sekundarne elektroopreme energetskega sistema. V primerjavi s stabilnostnim načinom omogoča trenutna izvedba krajše simulacije prehodnih pojavov z večjo ločljivostjo (npr. elektromagnetni prehodni pojavi). Izvedena je simulacija trifaznega kratkega stika, lociranega na različnih mestih. Rezultati prikazujejo, da je vrednost kratkostičnega toka odvisna od lokacije nastopa. V primeru kratkega stika med izbranim generatorjem in transformatorjem je skupni maksimalni kratkostični tok večji kot v primeru nastopa na 110-kV zbiralkah stikališča Mavčiče. Rezultati simulacije so bili preverjeni z izračuni maksimalnega trifaznega kratkostičnega toka v skladu s standardom IEC. Simulacija modela v trenutnem načinu omogoča izvedbo najbolj neugodnih preizkusov vgrajene elektro-strojne opreme, kar bi v praksi pomenilo morebitno poškodovanje le-te. Z analizo izbranih simuliranih scenarijev pridobi proizvajalec električne energije vnaprejšnje informacije o odzivu podsklopov energetskega sistema ob vpeljavi novih algoritmov in okvirne rezultate neizvedljivih preizkusov v praksi. Rezultati tovrstnih simulacij omogočajo učinkovito projektiranje nove opreme, povečanje obratovalne zanesljivosti, kvalitetno izkoriščanje vodnega potenciala in vzorno izvajanje sistemskih storitev, s čimer pripomoremo k zagotavljanju energetske neodvisnosti države.

Keywords:hidroelektrarna Mavčiče, dinamični model, generator, turbinski regulator, vzbujalni sistem, Matlab/Simulink, simulacija
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81530 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2016
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Title:A complex dynamic model of the hydro-power plant Mavčiče
The independent production of electrical energy represents a vital economic activity and is an important objective of virtually every national policy, as it enables operational self-sufficiency and independent supply. By exploiting renewable water resources, hydro-power plants significantly contribute to the production of electrical energy. Secure and reliable electrical production in conjunction with integral ancillary services (control of frequency, power and voltage; black start; gradual load rejection, etc.) are the most important objectives of hydro-power plant operations. Long-term operative experience and multiple ongoing experiments on real systems are essential for acquiring knowledge and expertise on the optimal operation and maintenance of hydro-power subsystems and their functions. Yet, deregulation of the electricity market and strict dispatching schedules permit executing tests on real systems only with prior announcement or during systems maintenance work. It is therefore imperative to develop reliable simulations that enable testing conditions which cannot be performed on real systems and which lead to advancements in systems improvements. This paper presents a proposal for the development of a complex dynamic model of the hydro-power plant located in Mavčiče, Slovenia. The model includes essential dynamic properties of the aggregate’s subsystems and its proximate 110-kV electrical network. The simulation provides an analysis of operational scenarios that cannot be tested on real power systems. The simulation model developed in this research enables execution of the simulation program in phasor and continuous modes. The impact of a stepwise increase and reduction of the generator’s active power on the 110-kV transmission lines was first simulated using the phasor method. The results of this simulation are validated using in situ measurements on the Mavčiče hydro-power plant and its nearby 110-kV transmission lines with different performance indexes. The simulated disturbance of the frequency is then considered in terms of its impact on the turbine controller, excitation system and consequently, on the generator’s active power and power flow on the 110-kV electrical network. The simulation model in the phasor mode of the Mavčiče hydro-power plant provides an analysis of the dynamic response of the selected aggregate at changed operating parameters as well as the impact of disturbances. It further allows testing new control algorithms and contributes to the improved design of primary and secondary electrical equipment. In contrast with the phasor mode, the continuous mode is more appropriate for conducting short-term simulations with high sampling frequency. In the scope of this part of the research, a three-phase short-circuit current located at two different locations was simulated in continuous mode. The results of this simulation indicate that the size of the three-phase short circuit is dependent upon the location of the occurrence. When the three-phase short circuit is located between the selected generator and transformer, the total maximum short-circuit current is higher as compared to when the three-phase short circuit is located on the 110-kV busbars of the Mavčiče switchyard. The results of this simulation were compared with the calculation of the maximum three-phase short-circuit current in compliance with IEC standard. Simulation in continuous mode enables conducting the most demanding tests on installed electrical and mechanical equipment, preventing any damage that could result if tests were carried out on real systems in practice. Taking into account the analyses of the selected simulation scenarios produced in the scope of this research enables electrical energy producers to acquire integral information on how power subsystems would react when introduced to new control algorithms and indicates reliable results of tests that are not feasible to carry out on real systems in practice. This ensures effective design of new equipment that leads to enhancing the reliability of hydro-power plant operations, a more efficient exploitation of water resources and the exemplary execution of ancillary services that contribute to national energy self-sufficiency and the independent supply of electrical power.

Keywords:hydro-power plant Mavčiče, dynamic model, generator, turbine controller, excitation system, MATLAB/Simulink, simulation

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