
Povezanost med gibalnimi dejavnostmi in znanjem angleščine pri učencih drugega razreda osnovne šole
ID Pernuš, Natalija (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3423/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu je obravnavan celostni pristop poučevanja angleščine v 2. razredu osnovne šole ter z njim povezano medpredmetno povezovanje. Predstavljen je pomen vključevanja gibanja in igre pri pouku angleščine ter najpogostejši modeli in pristopi k poučevanju angleškega jezika, izmed katerih sta posebej opisana vsebinsko in jezikovno integrirano učenje (ang. CLIL) in popoln telesni odziv. V nadaljevanju so posebej predstavljeni tudi primeri gibalnih dejavnosti, iger in pesmi, ki pripomorejo k večji učinkovitosti učenja angleščine. Vpeljevanje gibalnih dejavnosti v 2. razred osnovne šole pri angleščini je potekalo prek akcijskega raziskovanja v maju 2015. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 81 učencev, od tega 39 v eksperimentalni skupini, ki je bila deležna poučevanja z gibanjem, in 42 v kontrolni skupini, kjer je pouk angleščine potekal na klasičen način. Namen eksperimenta je bilo ugotoviti, ali imajo učenci 2. razreda, ki se z angleščino v šoli srečajo prvič, že predznanje tujega jezika ter kakšen napredek naredijo po mesecu poučevanja. Med drugim nas je zanimalo tudi, kako gibalne dejavnosti vplivajo na pozornost in sodelovanje učencev pri pouku v primerjavi s klasičnim poučevanjem angleščine in kako motivirani so učenci za nadaljnje učenje tujega jezika. Rezultati so pokazali, da večina učencev 2. razreda (88 %), ki se z angleščino v šoli srečuje prvič, še nima predznanja tega jezika. Končni preizkus znanja je namreč pokazal, da so učenci, ki so se angleščine učili z gibanjem, po enem mesecu bolj napredovali kot tisti, ki so se učili na klasičen način. Na preizkusu znanja so dosegli povprečno 88 % vseh možnih točk, učenci kontrolne skupine pa povprečno 73 % točk. S tem smo dokazali, da gibanje pozitivno vpliva na pomnjenje novih besed in da si učenci največ zapomnijo preko sluha, vida, govora in giba hkrati. Gibanje pri pouku pozitivno vpliva tudi na pozornost in sodelovanje učencev, saj se tihi in mirni učenci predramijo in napolnijo z energijo, nemirni pa potešijo potrebo po gibanju. Z vprašalnikom o motivaciji otrok za učenje angleščine smo ugotovili, da so tako učenci eksperimentalne kot učenci kontrolne skupine motivirani za učenje angleščine, saj smo v obeh skupinah načrtovali in izvedli raznolike ter zanimive dejavnosti. Vsekakor pa lahko trdimo, da gibalne dejavnosti vsebujejo motivacijo in učence posledično bolj pritegnejo, zato jih ni potrebno predhodno motivirati kot pri klasičnem poučevanju angleščine.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81529 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10973257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.04.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The interrelation between movement activities and English proficiency of second grade primary school pupils
Our thesis discusses the holistic approach of teaching English in the second grade of elementary school and the related cross-curricular integration. The importance of the integration of movement and games in English classes is presented, as well as the most common models and approaches to teaching English, of which the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and total physical response are specifically described. In the following, examples of physical activities, games and songs are separately presented, meant to help enhance the effectiveness of learning English. The introduction of motoric activity in English classes in the second grade of primary school was held through action research in May 2015. The study involved 81 pupils, of whom 39 were in the experimental group, which received teaching with movement, and 42 in the control group, where English classes took place in the traditional way. The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether second grade pupils, who were learning English for the first time, already had some knowledge of the foreign language and to find out what progress they achieved after a month of teaching. Among other things, we were also interested in how physical activities affect the attention and participation of pupils in the classroom, compared to the conventional teaching of English, and how motivated the pupils are for further learning of a foreign language. The results showed that the majority of pupils in the second grade (88 %), who were learning English for the first time, had no prior knowledge of the English language. The final examination has shown that after one month of learning English the pupils who have learned English with the help of movement, have made greater progress compared to the pupils who were taught in the traditional way. On examination they achieved an average of 88 % of the total points, while the pupils of the control group gained an average of 73 % of the total points. Our results have proved that movement has a positive effect on memorizing English words, as pupils memorize mostly through hearing, vision, speech and movement at the same time. Movement in classroom has a positive effect on the attention and participation of pupils, because the silent and quiet pupils become animated and get filled with energy, while the restless satisfy their need for movement. With the use of the questionnaire on children's motivation we found that all pupils in both groups were highly motivated to learn English, since diverse and interesting activities were implemented in both groups. Still, it is obvious that physical activities result higher motivation and are more likely to attract pupils. They do not need to be pre-motivated, as is the case with the usual methods of teaching English.


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