
Otroško ljudsko izročilo na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom
ID Cebek, Simona (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo vsebuje ideje za razvijanje plesnosti ter pripravljen in realiziran 16-urni program, po katerem sem otroke s posebnimi potrebami na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom naučila nekaj ljudskih vsebin. Z določenimi vsebinami, sestavljenimi v celoto v obliki odrske postavitve, so se otroci, ki so obiskovali krožek, ob koncu predstavili tudi na nastopu. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila pomen gibanja in plesa ter njun vpliv na čustveno-socialni razvoj posameznika. Pri definiranju učenja plesa sem večjo pozornost namenila razvijanju občutka za ritem, ki je pri plesu izjemno pomemben. Navedene so tudi vaje in nekateri načini usvajanja odrske igre. V nadaljevanju sem opredelila ljudsko izročilo ter se podrobneje usmerila tudi v otroško ljudsko izročilo. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela sem definirala tudi posebnosti pri gibanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter naštela nekaj možnih prilagoditev. Cilj mojega diplomskega dela je bil sestaviti 16-urni program, v katerem sem otroke naučila več vsebin ljudskega izročila. Tega sem predstavila in primere treh različnih vadbenih enot tudi natančneje analizirala v empiričnem delu. Zapisala sem nekatere prilagoditve, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri prenašanju ljudskega izročila na otroke s posebnimi potrebami, in naštela nekaj možnosti za izboljšanje programa.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81510 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10969673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.04.2016
CEBEK, Simona, 2016, Otroško ljudsko izročilo na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Children's popular tradition at school for children with special needs
The diploma work contains ideas for developing dance skills and a prepared and implemented 16-hour program according to which I was teaching some folk dances. The program was meant for a school for children with special needs. Particular contents were put together into a wholeness in the form of a stage performance, at the end the children, attending a project circle, presented themselves to the audience. In the theoretical part I determined the significance of moving and learning to dance and their influence on the emotional-social development of an individual. By defining the learning to dance I paid more attention to the development of the feeling for rhythm that is extraordinary important in learning to dance. There are also some exercises and specific methods needed in the acquisition of stage acting. In addition I defined the popular tradition and devoted myself more detailed to the children’s popular tradition. At the end of the theoretical part I also defined the particularity of moving in children with special needs and listed some possible adaptions. The objective of my diploma work was to put together a 16-hour program in which I taught the children about some additional contents of popular tradition. I introduced the program and examples of three different practice units that were more precisely analyzed in the empiric part of my paper. I noted down some adaptions that should be taken in consideration at the transmission of popular tradition to the children with special needs and listed some possibilities to improve the program.


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