
Izdelava videa s pomočjo paketa programske opreme Adobe
ID DEBELJAK, ALJA (Author), ID Bovcon, Narvika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7F990417612A09679E157AF0E06C05E3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2f58345d-9905-4fcd-a07b-43db6111a656

Diplomsko delo govori o procesu izdelave videa. V prvem delu je predstavljena pretvorba ideje v gradiva, potrebna za načrtovanje snemanja, kot sta scenarij in snemalna knjiga. Sledi opis poteka snemanja, nazadnje pa postprodukcija. Postprodukcija je glavni del diplomske naloge. Začne se s kratkim pregledom teorije filma in videa. Sledi podrobno opisana uporaba Adobovih programov za izdelavo videa. Za osnovno montažo in popravljanje barv je prikazana uporaba orodja Adobe Premiere Pro, za vizualne efekte in maskiranje pa Adobe After Effects in Mocha AE. Na koncu sledi še tematika zvoka; opis pridobitve glasbene podlage in urejanje posnetega zvoka z orodjem Adobe Audition. Rezultati vsake stopnje procesa izdelave videa so podani sproti: primerjave slik pred in po obdelavi, ekranske slike, ki demonstrirajo uporabo programov in v primeru zvoka spektrogrami. Končni izdelek je video, katerega potek je podan s slikami kadrov v časovnem zaporedju.

Keywords:video, video montaža, vizualni efekti, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81109 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Title:Video compositing with Adobe software
The thesis discusses the process of creating a video. The first part presents the transformation of an idea into material needed for planning a video shoot, namely the script and storyboard. Following is a description of the shoot and the last part is the post-production, which is also the core of the thesis. It begins with a short film and video theory overview. Following is a detailed description of usage of Adobe programs needed for making a video. Adobe Premiere Pro was utilized for basic editing and color correction, Adobe After Effects and Mocha AE were used for masking and visual effects. Lastly, we discuss sound; from obtaining the soundtrack to sound editing with Adobe Audition. The results of each stage of the process of making the video are presented at the end of each corresponding chapter. There are before and after editing image comparisons, screen shots demonstrating the program's functionalities and spectrograms in the case of sound editing. The final product is the video, which is demonstrated with images of scenes in temporal order.

Keywords:video, video editing, visual effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects

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