
"Moj dan v vrtcu" : participacija otrok skozi reševanje problemov odprtega tipa
ID Ledinski, Klementina (Author), ID Turnšek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3389/ This link opens in a new window

Za tradicionalno razvojno paradigmo je otroštvo pojmovano kot stanje nekompetentnosti, nedoraslosti in nesposobnosti otroka za razumevanje sveta ter sprejemanja odločitev. Ta predpostavka je bila samoumevna vse dokler se niso začeli konec 20. stoletja v strokovni literaturi pojavljati novi pogledi na otroka. Koncepti, kot so aktivno državljanstvo, pedagogika poslušanja, participacija, so začeli poudarjati otrokove sposobnosti in potenciale, vzpostavljanje dialoga med odraslimi in otroki. Otroci so lahko že v obdobju otroštva sogovorniki odraslih, ki želijo ter zmorejo soustvarjati življenje in hkrati sodelovati z drugimi (Turnšek, 2009). Zaradi seznanjanja z načini omogočanja in spodbujanja participacije predšolskih otrok v vrtcu je nastalo to diplomsko delo, ki je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je najprej predstavljen pomen participacije. Ker je pomemben pogoj za uresničevanje participacije otrok spoštovanje otrok s strani odraslih, sledita predstavitev Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah in pa pravica do participacije v Kurikulumu za vrtce. Predstavljeni so tudi pedagoški koncepti, ki omogočajo uresničevanje participacije, vključenih je več raziskav v slovenskih vrtcih in predstavljeno, katere so slabe strani participacije. Ob koncu prvega dela je predstavljen ključni pedagoški pristop, s katerim je participacija najbolj povezana, in sicer pristop Reggio Emilia, zatem je opisano projektno delo, vključno s posameznimi deli reševanja problemov odprtega tipa. V teoretičnem delu so tako predstavljena mnenja različnih strokovnjakov o njihovih pogledih in razumevanju podobe ter vloge otroka in predšolske vzgoje, kakor tudi o samostojnosti in sposobnosti otrok. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen projekt »Moj dan v vrtcu«, ki je bil izvajan v enoti vrtca Osnovne šole Belokranjskega odreda Semič, v skupini Krtki. Sodelovalo je 24 otrok, starih od 4 do 5 let. Projekt je trajal približno dva meseca - vsak petek. Načrtovali, izvajali in uresničevali smo želje otrok. Namen diplomskega dela je bil, da se s participacijo otrok in uporabo odprtega tipa reševanja problemov odmaknemo od oblikovanja vsakdanjika v vrtcu s strani vzgojiteljev ter omogočimo otrokom, da sami pridejo do novega znanja in novih idej, s čimer lahko razvijamo njihovo samostojnost, inovativnost, kompetentnost, odgovornost ter aktivno učenje. Iz navedenih evalvacij je bilo mogoče zaključiti, da je otrokom vredno prisluhniti in upoštevati njihove želje ter ideje, ker so jih sposobni načrtovati in izpeljati. Čeprav so bile njihove ideje na začetku skromne in ponavljajoče, so potrebovali le nekaj usmeritev pri dogovarjanju ter zaupanje vzgojiteljev, da so sposobni odločati o stvareh, ki se nanašajo na njihovo življenje v vrtcu in v njegovem okolju.

Keywords:projektno učenje, pedagogika poslušanja, pristop Reggio Emilia, participacija predšolskih otrok v vrtcu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Ledinski]
Number of pages:90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81033 This link opens in a new window
UDC:373.2. 016(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:10953289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:My own day in preschool
The traditional evolutional paradigm perceives childhood as the state of incompetence, immaturity and inability of children to understand the world and make decisions. This presumption had been self-evident until the new views on children began appearing in technical literature at the end of 20th century. The concepts such as the active citizenship, the pedagogics of listening, participation, started emphasizing children’s abilities and potentials as well as establishing the dialogue between adults and children. From their early childhood children can be partners in conversation of the adults who want and are able to jointly create life and cooperate with others at the same time (Turnšek, 2009). The aim of this thesis, which is divided into the theoretical and the empirical part, is to introduce and encourage the participation of preschool children in kindergartens. In the theoretical part the meaning of participation is presented first. As the adults’ respect is an important condition in realizing the children’s participation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is next presented as well as the right to participate in the kindergarten curriculum. There are also presented some pedagogical concepts which enable the realization of participation, some researches in the Slovenian kindergartens and some disadvantages of the participation as well. The first part finally presents the main pedagogical concept which participation is most related to and that is Reggio Emilia and it also describes the project work including some individual stages in problem solving of an open type. The theoretical part thus presents various experts’ opinions on their views and understandings of the image and the role of children and preschool education as well as on the children’s independence and abilities. The empirical part introduces the project “My Day in a Kindergarten” which was carried out at the kindergarten in Semič, in the group called “Krtki” (Little Moles). 24 children aged from 4 to 5 took part in this project which lasted about 2 months – every Friday. Children’s wishes were planned, executed and realized. The aim of this thesis was to point out that with the participation of children and the use of the problem solving of an open type we can enable children to acquire new knowledge and new ideas by themselves instead of teachers creating the kindergarten routine. By doing this we will develop their independence, innovativeness, competence, responsibility and active learning. The listed evaluations prove that it is worth listening to children and consider their wishes and ideas as they are capable of planning and carrying them out. Although their ideas were poor and repeated at first, they only needed some guidance at discussing them and the teachers’ thrust that there are capable of deciding about things which were part of their life at kindergarten and around it.

Keywords:participation of children

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