
Analiza primernosti razširjenih robnih pasov za cestno kolesarjenje : diplomska naloga
ID Karlovšek, Aljaž (Author), ID Žura, Marijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lipar, Peter (Comentor)

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MD5: 1C754956A6E584A07B08A661D4B41459
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e74f20b7-c470-4b64-8e31-3a0fc1e582d2

Naloga obravnava prednosti in možnosti izvedbe razširitve robnih pasov na slovenskih cestah izven naselja. Gre za izvedbo kolesarskega pasu izven naselja tako, da se poasfaltira del bankine in s tem pridobi gladko in ravno vozno površino, ki bi jo v prvi vrsti uporabljali rekreativni cestni kolesarji. Istočasno se klasično robno črto zamenja z ropotno črto, katere lastnosti in vpliv uporabe s prometnovarnostnega vidika in z vidika vpliva na udobje vožnje kolesarjev so podani v četrtem poglavju. Pri obravnavi sem si pomagal s predpisi in priporočili za oblikovanje kolesarskih površin v Sloveniji ter drugod po svetu, kjer razširjeni robni pasovi že obstajajo. Sledi predstavitev oziroma prikaz uporabe metode za določanje kolesarskega nivoja uslug (BCI metodologija) na cestah izven naselja ter splošni prikaz vpliva posameznih parametrov na kolesarski nivo uslug. Izbrane zametke razširjenih robnih pasov sem najprej analiziral na terenu in nato za vsakega posebej računsko, s pomočjo omenjene metode določil trenutni nivo uslug, ki ga zametek nudi kolesarjem. Sledila je analiza rezultatov in ukrepi za izboljšanje trenutnega kolesarskega nivoja uslug, z ozirom na prometno varnost, ki je z nivojem uslug neposredno povezana. Na koncu je še kratko poglavje o izvedbi razširjenih robnih pasov na mestu križišč in poglavje o vzdrževanju razširjenih robnih pasov ter ropotnih črt.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, cestno kolesarjenje, kolesarjenje izven naselja, razširjen robni pas, poasfaltirana bankina, nivo uslug za kolesarje, ropotne črte
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Karlovšek]
Number of pages:XII, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80894 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7407969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the suitability of paved shoulders for road cycling
This graduation thesis deals with the benefits and the suitability of paved shoulders on Slovenian rural roads. Paved shoulders are made with paving the part of the shoulder, in order to obtain a smooth and flat running surface, which is primarily used for recreational road cyclists. At the same time classic edge line is replaced by edge line rumble strip/stripe, whose characteristics and impact of the use of the road-safety point of view and in terms of impact on ride comfort of cyclists are given in the fourth chapter. I considered the regulations and recommendations of the designed bike areas in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world, where paved shoulders already exist. Then a Bicycle Compatibility Index method to determine the level of service on rural roads, and the effect of individual parameters on the bicycle level of service is presented. I first analyzed some examples of existing approximations of bake lanes on paved shoulders and then did the calculations for each of them separately, using the BCI method. After that an analysis of the results and measures to improve the current level of service with regard to road safety, which is directly related to the level of service were made. At the end of the thesis there is a short chapter on the implementation of paved shoulders at the intersections, followed by a chapter about maintenance of paved shoulders and rumble strips/stripes.

Keywords:graduation thesis, road cycling, rural road cycling, paved shoulders, Bicycle Compatibility Index, rumble strips, rumble stripes

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