
Računalniške dejavnosti v drugem triletju osnovne šole
ID Stopar, Barbara (Author), ID Nančovska Šerbec, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Še pred desetletjem so učence pri računalniških predmetih učili predvsem uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, danes stremimo k razvijanju računalniškega razmišljanja. Računalniško razmišljanje je vrsta analitičnega razmišljanja, ki sloni na logičnem in sistemskem razmišljanju, vsebuje pa algoritmično in vzporedno razmišljanje. Skozi magistrsko delo bomo računalniško razmišljanje pri učencih spodbujali s poučevanjem dvojiškega številskega sistema, iskalnih algoritmov in programa kot zaporedja ukazov in dogodkov. Učenci skozi dejavnosti v obliki igre, ugank ali nalog usvajajo računalniška znanja in razvijajo računalniško razmišljanje. Pri izvedbi takšnih dejavnosti je za učenje priporočljivo ubrati problemsko orientiran pouk. Skozi takšne učne oblike so učenci aktivnejši in posledično je takšno znanje tudi trajnejše v primerjavi z znanjem, pridobljenim s tradicionalnim poučevanjem. Magistrsko delo je nadaljevanje diplomskega dela Aktivnosti za razvoj algoritmičnega mišljenja med osnovnošolci, v katerem smo predstavili nabor dejavnosti, preko katerih se osnovnošolci srečajo z računalništvom. Zanima nas, ali so omenjene dejavnosti (aktivnosti Računalništvo brez računalnika, reševanje nalog iz tekmovanja Bober in ustvarjanje programov v vizualnem programskem okolju Scratch) primerne za doseganje učnih ciljev, ki jih je moč zaslediti v učnem načrtu neobveznega izbirnega predmeta Računalništvo. Dejavnosti se nanašajo na teme: dvojiški številski sistem, iskalni algoritmi in program kot zaporedje ukazov in dogodkov. Z magistrskim delom želimo prispevati k izboljšanju pouka računalništva, saj želimo poudariti pomembnost razvoja računalniškega razmišljanja.

Keywords:problemsko orientiran pouk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80870 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10932553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Computer activities in the second cycle of primary school
Just a decade ago students were learning about information-communication technologies at computer science classes, and today we strive for developing computational thinking. Computational thinking is based on analytical thinking, which overlaps with logical thinking and systems thinking. It includes algorithmic thinking and parallel thinking. Throughout the master’s thesis we will encourage computational thinking in students by teaching them the binary numbers, search algorithms and programs as sequences of commands and events. Students acquire computer skills and develop computational thinking through activities in the form of games, puzzles or tasks. In teaching these activities it is advisable to choose a problem-oriented methods. Through such learning the students are more active and as a result, the knowledge gained is more permanent in comparison with traditional learning. In the master’s thesis we continued with work explained in the bachelor’s thesis Activities for developing algorithmic thinking among primary school students where we presented a set of activities through which the students meet with computer science. We want to know if the mentioned activities (CS Unplugged, solving exercises from the Beaver competition and creating programs in a visual programming environment Scratch) are suitable for achieving learning objectives given in the Computer Science primary school curriculum, which is elective subject. Activities are about computer science topics: binary numbers, search algorithms and programs as sequences of commands and events. The purpose of the thesis is to improve the teaching of computer science by developing computational thinking.

Keywords:problem-oriented teaching

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