
Uresničevanje načela uravnotežene zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti v vrtcu
ID Zgonc, Nadja (Author), ID Sicherl Kafol, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3361/ This link opens in a new window

Predšolsko in zgodnje šolsko obdobje je najprimernejši čas za intenzivno glasbeno vzgojo. Da bi otrokom zagotovili uspešen glasbeni razvoj, naj bi vzgojitelji sledili enakovredni zastopanosti vseh glasbenih dejavnosti (petje pesmi, igranje na instrumente, poslušanje glasbe, ustvarjanje ob glasbi, ustvarjanje v glasbi, glasbene didaktične igre). Vzgojitelji naj bi pri uresničevanju enakovredne zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti med drugimi načeli, zapisanimi v Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999), sledili tudi načelu uravnoteženosti. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali vzgojitelji iz Vrtca »Martin Krpan« Cerknica, Vrtca Postojna, Vzgojno-varstvene enote pri osnovni šoli Toneta Šraja Aljoše Nova vas ter iz Vrtca Polhek pri osnovni šoli heroja Janeza Hribarja Stari trg pri Ložu uresničujejo načelo uravnotežene zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti. Hkrati nas je zanimalo, kakšna je povezanost med stopnjo izobrazbe, dodatnim glasbenim izobraževanjem, delovno dobo in uresničevanjem načela uravnotežene zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da vzgojitelji iz vrtcev, vključenih v raziskavo, ne glede na stopnjo izobrazbe, dodatne glasbene izobrazbe in delovno dobo ne uresničujejo načelo uravnotežene zastopanosti glasbenih dejavnosti, saj sta dejavnosti ustvarjanje v glasbi in ustvarjanje ob glasbi zastopani v najmanjši meri.

Keywords:glasbene dejavnosti
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80632 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10921289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:How to implement a balanced programme for musical activities in kindergarten
The preschool and school periods are the most important time for intensive music education. In order to successfully enhance a child’s musical development, nursery teachers should ensure that music activities are equally represented within the programme (singing, playing musical instruments, listening to music, listening to music during creative activities, creating music itself, didactic music games). One of the principles that should be followed by nursery teachers and is set out in the Slovene Kindergarten Curriculum (1999) is the principle of a balanced programme. The main purpose of this thesis was to establish if the nursery teachers from kindergartens (“Vrtec Martin Krpan Cerknica”, “Vrtec Postojna”, nursery unit at “Tone Šraj’s Elementary School Nova vas” and from kindergarten “Polhek at Janez Hribar’s Elementary School Stari trg pri Ložu”) follow the guidelines of a balanced programme for musical activities. In addition to that, the thesis’s main focus was to examine to what extent the level of education, additional musical training and years of service influence the implementation of a balanced musical programme. The findings from this thesis suggest that regardless of the level of education, additional musical training or years of service, nursery teachers observed during the research do not follow the principle of a balanced programme of musical activities. Activities which combine creativity while listening to music and creating music itself are the least implemented.

Keywords:musical activities

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