
Varnost spletnih storitev v internetu stvari
ID OSOJNIK, LUKA (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5E3E11EE22D6E4AEF0B75B702CB10938
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a24c6ea8-f4b3-49bf-9c23-5c41599622c7

Internet stvari (ang. Internet of Things, IoT), kot označujemo novi val običajnih naprav, ki so sposobne komunikacije prek interneta, s seboj prinaša nove izzive na področju varnosti, komunikacije med napravami in shranjevanju ogromnega števila podatkov. Implementacija in delovanje naprav IoT uporabnikom obeta veliko ugodnosti in ena od njih je s pomočjo komunikacije, avtomatizacija opravil, ki bi jih sicer morali opraviti ročno, kot so različne meritve in aktuacija procesov. Ker pa so naprave interneta stvari povečini zelo omejene v smislu porabe energije in računskih zmožnosti, so rešitve na področju implementacije varnosti še toliko bolj zapletene in nam še dodatno razširijo spekter groženj in ranljivosti. Komunikacijo IoT smo v diplomski nalogi za lažje razumevanje celotne slike razdelili na manjše segmente. V nalogi tako predstavimo značilnosti treh ključnih segmentov arhitekture IoT, in sicer senzorski del za zajem podatkov in aktuacijo, lokalna in prostrana omrežja za posredovanje podatkov v spletne (oblačne) platforme IoT in oblak, ki se uporablja za obdelavo, shranjevanje in posredovanje podatkov. Tako se lahko bralec, preden se dotakne teme varnosti v IoT, pouči oz. ponovi o poteku komunikacije v IoT, protokolih ter obstoječih in novonastalih tehnologijah, ki delujejo v internetu stvari, ki so obenem vodilo v implementacijo varnosti. Na koncu smo vzpostavili tudi pilotno rešitev sistema IoT, v kateri smo preizkusili možnosti konkretne vpeljave nekaterih varnostnih mehanizmov in preučili njeno delovanje. Ker so bile zmožnosti implementacije varnosti v izbrani oblačni platformi Thingspeak zelo omejene, smo dodali še protokol MQTT, ki nam zmožnosti implementacije varnosti poveča med senzorjem in komunikacijskim prehodom. Z dodatkom požarne stene, ki sicer ni specifična rešitev za IoT, smo še s hkratno uporabo TLS in natančne avtentikacije med segmenti dobili zavarovan sistem, ki bi lahko varno deloval tudi v resničnem svetu. Zaradi že omenjenih omejitev naprav IoT je nalogi glavno vodilo to, da je varnost predstavljena s čim večjim poudarkom na tehnologijah, ki zadevajo konkretno omejene naprave in infrastrukturo IoT, z dodatkom obstoječih rešitev dobre prakse v informacijski tehnologiji (v nadaljevanju IT). Tako lahko bralec dobi osnovne informacije o varnosti v IT, ki veljajo tudi za naprave IoT in omrežja, kjer se nahajajo, ter bolj konkretne informacije o varnosti naprav IoT.

Keywords:Internet stvari, IoT, TLS, MQTT, Thingspeak, varna komunikacija, informacijska varnost, arhitektura, senzorji, oblak
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80152 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Security of web based services in Internet of things
Internet of Things (IoT) includes a new wave of devices that are capable of communicating over the Internet, and they are bringing a new set of challenges in regards to security, communications, and data consumption. Implementation and functionality of IoT devices can bring users many benefits, and one of them is task automation, which would have to be otherwise done by hand – for example, smart metering and process actuation. Because IoT devices are very constrained in the sense of available energy and computation capabilites, security solutions are much more complicated, and they consequently spread the vulnerability and threats. This thesis for easier understanding, will split communications in IoT infrastructure into smaller segments. Three main IoT architecture segments are sensors for data capture and actuation, local and wide area networks for data transfering in to cloud platforms and cloud in general for data manipulation. The reader will be able to refresh and/or acquire some prior knowledge about IoT data flow, protocols and new technologies that have risen with IoT and big amounts of data before touching the theme about security. In the end, we have set up a pilot solution of IoT system, where we have tried to research and implement different security mechanisms. Consequently, the options that our chosen cloud platform Thingspeak gave us were very limited, so we have implemented the protocol MQTT alongside, which has offered more security solutions between the sensor and gateway. We have also added firewall, which is not primary security solution in IoT, but with usage of TLS and precise authentication, we have got a system that could safely work in the real world. The main motive in this thesis is, that we present security in IoT with focus on tehnologies, that specificaly concern devices and IoT infrastructure with flavour of good practice from information technology. This way, the reader can get basic information about security in information security, as well as read about the concern regarding IoT devices, their networks, and their security.

Keywords:Internet of things, IoT, TLS, MQTT, Thingspeak, safe communication, information security, IoT architecture, sensors, cloud

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