
Vodenje za spodbujanje kakovosti vrtcev jugovzhodne Slovenije
ID Rogelj Lipoglavšek, Marta (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3348/ This link opens in a new window

Živimo v času nenehnega spreminjanja sebe in sveta okoli nas. Potrebni sta učljivost in pripravljenost za rast posameznika ter družbe. Kritičen odrasel je sposoben ozavestiti svoje delo, ga ustrezno vrednotiti in se na podlagi tega pravilno odločati. Vrtec je ustanova, kjer se pričakuje zaposlene, ki so strokovni, fleksibilni, sposobni, razgledani in uporabljajo napredne metode dela. Zato je nujno, da tudi zaposleni med seboj spremljajo, usklajujejo in izboljšujejo kazalce kakovosti na področju poklicnega razvoja, zadovoljstva zaposlenih in medsebojnega sodelovanja. L. Katz (1993) in L. Marjanovič Umek (2002) omenjena področja vključujeta v posredno raven kakovosti v vrtcih. Poudarjata, da kazalci na tej ravni vključujejo odnose, v katere otrok sicer ni direktno vpleten, kljub temu pa ravno odnosi med vsemi akterji izredno pomembno vplivajo na delo in življenje v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu naloge so najprej predstavljene različne dimenzije kakovosti, ki jih lahko strokovni delavci vrtca s poglobljenim zaznavanjem osmislijo in izboljšujejo. S pomočjo teorij različnih avtorjev so prikazani različni modeli ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti; dejavniki, ki vplivajo na kakovost vrtca kot učeče se organizacije, in vloga ravnatelja ter njegov vpliv na organizacijsko klimo in kulturo v vrtcu. Rezultati raziskave, izvedene med strokovnimi delavci v vrtcih, kažejo, da so s komunikacijo z vodstvom vrtca zadovoljni, vendar si želijo več vključenosti v strokovne odločitve; medtem ko ravnatelji menijo, da dopuščajo medsebojni dialog in da vse strokovne delavce obravnavajo enako. Tako strokovni delavci v vrtcih kot ravnatelji se načeloma strinjajo, da se morajo vsi na svojih delovnih mestih počutiti dobro, ustvarjati pozitivno klimo in ustvarjalno organizacijsko kulturo, če hočejo dosegati kakovostne rezultate dela. Najbolj enotni pa so bili v pogledih, da spodbujanje profesionalnega razvoja posameznika hkrati vpliva tako na rast posameznika kot kolektiva. Opolnomočenje in zadovoljstvo vseh zaposlenih prinašata dvig uspešnosti, učinkovitosti in večjo kakovost vzgojno-izobraževalne organizacije.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80151 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10889033 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Management for promoting the quality of preschool in southeastern Slovenia
We live in the world of constant transformations of ourselves and the world around us. Learning ability, willingness and development of a person and society are essential. A critical adult is capable of making the work aware, evaluating it properly and, on the basis of these facts, making the right decisions. People employed in an institution such as a nursery school, are supposed to be professional, adaptive, competent, knowledgeable and use forward-looking working methods. Because of this it is essential that the employees follow each other, coordinate and improve quality indicators in the field of professional development, employee contentment and mutual collaboration. L. Katz (1993) and L. Marjanovič Umek (2002) describe such issues as an indirect level of quality in nursery schools. As they emphasize, indicators at this level include relationships in which children are not directly involved, yet the relations between all participants have a significant effect on work and life in a nursery school. Different quality dimensions, which could be considered and improved by the in-depth perception of the employees, are presented at the beginning of the theoretical part of the MSc thesis. Various models to define and ensure quality, factors affecting the quality of a nursery school as a learning institution, the role of a head teacher and the influence on the organisational atmosphere and culture are presented according to the work of different authors. Results of the survey undertaken among the nursery school teachers show that they feel satisfied. However, they are eager to be more often engaged in professional decisions whereas the head teachers believe they allow mutual dialogue and equal treatment of all nursery school teachers. In principle, the head teachers, as well as the teachers, are of the same mind about the importance of the welfare, creating positive atmosphere and creative organisational culture in order to achieve good results. Managing staff and the teachers are yet in agreement that promoting professional development influences the individual’s, as well as the development of the staff. Empowerment and satisfaction of all employees result in greater productivity and efficiency of an organisation.


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