
ID SLAPŠAK, ANDREJ (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4350796799A9F588BA39636A0B4FB68A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/189d51a5-e0a0-4c12-bb73-1d79ce27ad01

Za dobro kakovost vina je v času vrenja vino potrebno primerno hladiti ali greti. V primeru, da nimamo sistema za zagotavljanje ustrezne temperature, porabimo veliko časa za merjenje ključnih parametrov. Ključnega pomena pa je kontroliranje parametrov brez prisotnosti človeka. Zato je pomembno, da je proces avtomatiziran, kar olajša delo in stremi k boljšim rezultatom. Vse bolj pa je pomembno, da so informacije dostopne kadarkoli in kjerkoli. V diplomski nalogi sta opisana potreba in pomen po optimizaciji postopkov pri pridelavi vin in zakaj so določeni parametri pomembni. Seznanili smo se z razvojno ploščico Mbed in okoljem, v katerem razvijamo programsko kodo in programska jezika C in C++. Za analizo in shranjevanje podatkov je bilo potrebno postaviti spletni strežnik. Pri komunikaciji med razvojno ploščico Mbed in spletnim strežnikom smo pregledali protokole in programske jezike. Na mikrokontroler smo priklopili temperaturni senzor. Pri pregledu temperaturnih senzorjev smo prišli do spoznanj, da je najbolje uporabiti senzor, ki uporablja protokol 1-Wire. Po seznanitvi z vsemi potrebnimi gradniki smo izdelali pilotno rešitev. S pomočjo krmilne enote v cisternah izmerimo temperaturo in glede na potrebe hladimo oziroma grejemo tekočino. Izmerjeni podatki se pošiljajo na strežnik. Krmilna enota dobi podatke, da zagotovi ustrezno temperaturo iz strežnika. Uporabnik v izdelanem spletnem vmesniku nastavlja in pregleduje podatke iz krmilne enote. V primeru prekoračitve temperature v mejah dovoljene pa je o tem uporabnik obveščen preko elektronskega sporočila.

Keywords:Mbed, C in C++, ethernet, spletni servis, 1-Wire, uravnavanje temperature.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.01.2016
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In order to achieve good wine quality it needs to be properly cooled or warmed during fermentation. When we do not have a system for ensuring proper temperature, a lot of time is needed for measuring key parameters. Controlling of parameters without human presence is of vital importance. Thus it is important that the process is automated, which enables work and better results. It is becoming ever more important that information is accessible at any time and place. In this graduate work I am addressing the need and importance of wine production processes optimization, as well as why certain parameters are needed. The Mbed development bar has been introduced, where program code and program languages C and C++ are developed. A network server needed to be set in order to analyze and store data. During communication between the Mbed development bar and the network server protocols and program languages were checked. When checking temperature sensors it was discovered that it is best to use the sensor which operates under 1-Wire protocol. A pilot solution was created after we were acquainted with all required parts. With the help of a control unit inside cisterns temperature is measured and the liquid is cooled or warmed accordingly. Measured data is sent to the server. The control unit gets the data from the server, and thus ensures proper temperature. User sets and reviews control unit data in manufactured network interface. When the temperature is exceeded within permitted range, the user is informed about it by an email.

Keywords:Mbed, C and C++, ethernet, web service, 1-Wire, temperature regulation.

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