
Priložnosti in izzivi za učitelje kemije v informacijski dobi
ID Ferk Savec, Vesna (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3301/ This link opens in a new window

V preglednem znanstvenem prispevku je predstavljen pregled domače in tuje znanstvene literature s področja uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) v šolski praksi, s poudarkom na predmetnem področju kemija. V pregledu literature so v središče postavljeni učitelji in njihova vloga pri učinkoviti integraciji IKT v pouk. Za bistveno se izkaže, da imajo učitelji poleg poznavanja aktualnih vsebin svoje stroke, tudi znanja s področja pedagogike in tehnologije, ki so medsebojno povezana v model t.i. znanje za poučevanje z IKT (TPAC). Pregled literature potrdi, da ima bistven pomen za uporabo IKT pri pouku tudi podporno šolsko okolje, ki preko ustrezne IKT infrastrukture in opremljenosti pogojuje njeno integracijo v pouk. Ena ključnih ugotovitev, ki se izkaže ob pregledu in analizi znanstvene literature je, da je za uspešno integracijo IKT v pouk odločilen dejavnik interes učiteljev in njihovo prepričanje, da ima integracija IKT v pouk dodano vrednost v smislu izboljšanja kakovosti učnega procesa. Proces integracije IKT bo v prihodnje morda pospešilo dejstvo, da brez sodobnih tehnologij učitelji ne bodo mogli doseči zastavljenih učnih ciljev, ki bodo tudi zunanje preverjani. Prispevek poglobljeno predstavlja predvsem značilnosti predmetnega področja kemija, v smislu česar so predstavljene nekatere priložnosti in izzivi za učitelje. Na osnovi analize literature je v zaključku prispevka predpostavljen model za uspešno integracijo IKT v pouk, ki vključuje sintezo odločujočih dejavnikov, ki po eni strani omogočajo prepoznavanje priložnosti, po drugi pa uspešno naslavljanje izzivov, ki jih prinaša in bo tudi v prihodnje prinašala informacijska doba.

Keywords:poučevanje kemije
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:833-847
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80053 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Opportunities and chalanges for chemistry teachers in the information age
A review article presents an overview of national and international scientific literature about the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools, with an emphasis on chemistry education. The literature review has an emphasis on teachers and their role in the effective integration of ICT in teaching. It was found that it is crucial for successful learning process, that teachers combine their subject knowledge with the knowledge of pedagogy and technology (TPAC model). The literature review also confirmed that it`s essential for teachers to have supportive school environment, which through appropriate ICT infrastructure and equipment provides conditions for the use of ICT. However, the review of scientific literature also showed that the key factor for a successful integration of ICT in teaching is teachers` interest and their belief that the integration of ICT in the teaching has an added value in terms of improving the quality of the learning process. The integration of ICT in teaching in the future may accelerate the fact, that without the use of modern technology, teachers will not be able to achieve contemporary learning objectives, which will also be externally reviewed.The article in particular focused on the characteristics chemistry education, in terms of which, it presents some opportunities and challenges for chemistry teachers. In the end of the article, a model for successful integration of ICT in teaching is proposed. The model consists of the synthesis of the determinant factors, which on the one hand enable the identification of opportunities, and on the other a successful addressing of the challenges an information age.

Keywords:teaching chemistry

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