
Prepoznavnost nevladnih organizacij v Sloveniji med strokovnjaki v šolstvu, ki se ukvarjajo z osebami s posebnimi potrebami
ID Podlogar, Petra (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu z naslovom Prepoznavnost nevladnih organizacij v Sloveniji, ki se ukvarjajo z osebami s posebnimi potrebami, med strokovnjaki v šolstvu sem pisala in raziskovala o nevladnih (ali drugače – o neprofitnih) organizacijah v Sloveniji, ki svojo pomoč in podporo namenjajo šolajočim se osebam s posebnimi potrebami. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela sem pojasnila teoretične pojme, ki so pomembni za lažje branje dela v nadaljevanju. Opredelila sem, kaj so to nevladne organizacije in kakšne so njihove značilnosti. Nevladne organizacije poznamo pod različnimi imeni, zato sem podrobneje opredelila pojme: društvo, zveza društev, zavod, ustanova, center in svetovalni center, inštitut in združenje. V magistrskem delu sem raziskala področje nevladnih organizacij, ki se ukvarjajo z osebami s posebnimi potrebami. Aktualni zakon, – Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami – ki je v veljavi od leta 2013, opredeljuje 9 skupin otrok s posebnimi potrebami. V teoretičnem delu sem vsaki skupini teh otrok namenila poseben prostor, jo na kratko predstavila in opisala. Zapisala sem tudi, kako v Sloveniji poteka šolanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami, kajti v nadaljevanju sem raziskovala nevladne organizacije, ki svojo pomoč usmerjajo šolajočim se otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. Zanimalo me je tudi, kdo so strokovnjaki, ki delajo v naših osnovnih šolah z otroki s posebnimi potrebami ter ali so to zgolj učitelji in specialni pedagogi? V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela sem pripravila spletno anketo za zaposlene v šolstvu. Poslala sem jo na različne šole po Sloveniji, nanjo je odgovorilo 64 oseb. Spletna anketa je bila sestavljena iz dveh delov, iz prvega, kjer so me zanimale izkušnje strokovnjakov z nevladnimi organizacijami, kakšno pomembnost jim pripisujejo, kje so se o njih poučili, koliko jih znajo našteti … V drugem delu spletne ankete pa sem za zaposlene pripravila kratek preizkus znanja – zanimalo me je ali prepoznajo določene organizacije in ali vedo, kateri skupini otrok s posebnimi potrebami so prvenstveno namenjene.

Keywords:nevladne organizacije
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80043 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10867017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The recognisability of non-governmental organisations in slovenia among the experts of the educational system who deal with people with special needs
This master's thesis, entitled Visibility of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia among education experts dealing with persons with special needs, explores non-governmental (non-profit) organisations in Slovenia that offer assistance and support to persons with special needs in the educational process. The theoretical part of the master's thesis explains the main theoretical concepts for better understanding of the entire thesis. It describes non-governmental organisations and their characteristics. Non-governmental organisations have different names, which is why the thesis defines: a society, an association of societies, an institute, a foundation, a centre and advisory centre, and an association. The master's thesis explores non-governmental organisations focusing on persons with special needs. The current Placement of Children with Special Needs Act, which has been in force since 2013, provides for 9 groups of children with special needs. The theoretical part briefly describes each group and explains how education of persons with special needs is organised in Slovenia. Furthermore, it focuses on non-governmental organisations that help children with special needs with their education. One of the goals was to determine who are the experts in Slovene primary schools that work with children with special needs: are they just teachers or are they special school teachers? As for the empirical part of the master's thesis, it revolves around an online survey among people employed in education. The survey was sent to different schools around Slovenia. A total of 64 people responded. The online survey consisted of two parts. The first part was devoted to the experience of the experts with non-governmental organisations, i.e. what importance they attached to them, where they had found out about them, how many they knew, etc. The second part was a test to determine whether the experts recognised certain organisations or knew for which group of children those organisations were intended.

Keywords:non-governmental organisations

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