
Prednosti in slabosti uporabe polimernih materialov v vodovodnih sistemih : diplomska naloga
ID Preglej, Aleš (Author), ID Drev, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C1605A0C1C4AD801D28A44FBD1B383BF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/43ef5aa2-3811-4e92-afc8-20e1d22b60db

Pomen vode za zdravje in preživetje ljudi je neprecenljiv, zato njena onesnaženost predstavlja vedno večji problem. Ker je naravna pitna voda nenadomestljiva in neprecenljiva javna dobrina, je ravnanje z viri pitne vode in oskrba z zdravstveno neoporečno pitno vodo do potankosti urejena z evropskimi in slovenskimi predpisi. Predpise, ki jih mora izpolnjevati pitna voda, določa Pravilnik o pitni vodi, hkrati pa izvajalce dejavnosti oskrbe s pitno vodo obvezuje, da je notranji nadzor nad pitno vodo vzpostavljen po načelih sistema HACCP. HACCP je mednarodno uveljavljen preventivni sistem za zagotavljanje varnega živila, ki določa načine kontrole in prepoznava kritične kontrolne točke. Materiali, ki so v stiku s pitno vodo, predstavljajo potencialno nevarnost za zdravstveno ustrezno pitno vodo in s tem posredno tudi za zdravje ljudi, saj lahko procesi njihove razgradnje privedejo do migracij med materialom in vodo. Čeprav so bili prvi polimerni materiali proizvedeni že ob koncu 19. stoletja, jih na splošno še vedno uvrščamo med novejše materiale. Tako se v zadnjem času vedno več uporabljajo tudi v vodovodnih sistemih. Kljub temu, da njihova uporaba prinaša številne prednosti, pa so z njihovo uporabo povezane tudi določene slabosti. Zato je zelo pomembno, da pri načrtovanju in gradnji objektov upoštevamo, kakšne materiale izberemo in vgrajujemo, kakšne so njihove lastnosti in kakšni možni vplivi na zdravstveno ustreznost pitne vode. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni polimerni materiali, ki se najpogosteje uporabljajo v vodovodnih sistemih, njihova kemijska sestava, lastnosti in namen uporabe. Zajeti so tudi aditivi in polnila, ki se jim dodajajo, njihov vpliv na lastnosti polimerov ter vpliv polimernih materialov na zdravstveno ustreznost pitne vode. Zanimal nas je tudi način in metode preskušanja teh materialov. Rezultati in ugotovitve so podane z analizo SWOT, ki razkriva glavne prednosti in slabosti uporabe polimernih materialov v vodovodnih sistemih. Hkrati analiza SWOT ponuja nove priložnosti za izboljšave, ob tem pa opozarja na težave, ki se lahko pojavijo. Na koncu smo opravili še študijo dejanskega stanja vgrajenih materialov v Pomurskem vodovodu – v sistemu C.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, VKI, pitna voda, polimerni materiali, HACCP, načela HACCP, vodovodni sistemi, prednosti in slabosti
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Preglej]
Number of pages:XIV, 78 str., 3 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80030 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7332961 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The advantages and disadvantages of the polymeric materials usage in water distribution systems
The importance of water for health and livelihood of the people is priceless, so its pollution constitutes a growing problem. Since natural drinking water is irreplaceable and invaluable public good, handling with sources of drinking water and its supply is very strictly regulated by the European and Slovenian regulations. The regulations of drinking water are exactly provided by the regulation Pravilnik o pitni vodi. It also commits the operators on drinking water supply to the internal control of drinking water by the principles of the HACCP system. HACCP is an internationally established preventive system for ensuring food safety that specifies control methods and recognizes the critical control points. The materials in contact with drinking water pose a potential health risk to the wholesome drinking water and thus indirectly also to human health, because their decomposition processes may lead to the migration between the material and the water. Although the first polymeric materials were produced at the end of the 19th century, we still place them amongst newer materials. Thus recently, these materials are increasingly being used in water supply systems. Despite the fact that their use has a number of advantages, their use also has some disadvantages. It is crucial to consider which materials will be selected and installed during facility design and construction, what are their characteristics and potential impacts on the wholesome drinking water. The thesis presents the polymeric materials that are commonly used in the water supply systems, their chemical composition, properties and intention of use. This also includes additives and fillers which have been added, their influence on the properties of polymers and polymer material impact on the wholesome drinking water. The subjects of interest are also the ways and methods of testing these materials. The results and conclusions are presented by a SWOT analysis that reveals the main advantages and disadvantages of the polymeric materials usage in water distribution systems. The SWOT analysis also offers new opportunities for improvements and additionally draws attention to the problems that may occur. Finally, we have made a study of the actual situation of the installed materials in the System in Pomurje – C system.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, drinking water, polymeric materials, HACCP, HACCP principles, water distribution systems, advantages and disadvantages

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