
Vpliv medvrstniške pomoči na branje in bralno motivacijo
ID Slabe, Špela (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

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Branje je aktivnost, ki nas spremlja skozi celo življenje in vpliva na posameznikov vsestranski razvoj. Temeljne dimenzije bralnega procesa so prepoznavanje besed (dekodiranje), bralna tekočnost in bralno razumevanje. Učenci s težavami pri branju potrebujejo več vaje, da osvojijo te spretnosti. To je za njih zahtevna naloga, saj je njihova bralna motivacija zaradi težav z branjem nižja. Najpogostejši vzrok za dolgotrajne težave pri branju je disleksija, lahko pa so posledica motenj pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo (ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) ali sopojavljanja disleksije in motenj pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo (ADHD). Za izboljšanje branja je pomembno spodbujanje branja in bralne motivacije. To lahko dosežemo z načrtovano, organizirano in sistematično vodeno medvrstniško pomočjo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene težave pri branju, njihovi vzroki in strategije za razvijanje bralne tekočnosti, bralnega razumevanja in bralne motivacije. Kot način za izboljšanje branja je predstavljena medvrstniška pomoč. Cilji empiričnega dela so bili dopolniti in izpeljati že obstoječi program medvrstniške pomoči »Bereva skupaj«, oblikovati trening za učence, ki nudijo pomoč pri branju, s katerim se bodo učenci usposobili za nudenje medvrstniške pomoči pri branju, in ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima program medvrstniške pomoči »Bereva skupaj« na bralno tekočnost, bralno razumevanje in bralno motivacijo učencev s težavami pri branju zaradi disleksije in/ali motnje ADHD. Predstavljeni so rezultati izvedenega programa medvrstniške pomoči »Bereva skupaj«, katerega namen je izboljšanje bralne tekočnosti, bralnega razumevanja in bralne motivacije učencev, ki imajo težave z branjem. Program medvrstniške pomoči »Bereva skupaj« se je izvajal šest mesecev, enkrat tedensko. Pred pričetkom izvajanja programa smo z učenci, ki so nudili pomoč pri branju, izvedli trening, na katerem smo jim predstavili strategije bralnega razumevanja, strategije za branje v paru, naučili smo jih, kako podati povratno informacijo in pohvalo učencem, ki jim pomagajo, kako naj začnejo in končajo srečanje. Po zaključenem treningu smo pričeli z izvajanjem programa »Bereva skupaj«. Srečanja učencev so potekala v parih, enkrat tedensko po eno šolsko uro. Par sta sestavljala učenec, ki nudi pomoč, in učenec, ki pomoč prejema. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih pet učencev, starih med 8 in 9 let, ki imajo težave z branjem, ki so posledica disleksije in/ali motnje ADHD. Njihov napredek se je preveril z dvema podtestoma – Besede I in Besede II Testa motenj branja in pisanja, Enominutnim testom glasnega branja in Vprašalnikom bralne motivacije za mlajše učence. Za namen raziskave so bili sestavljeni štirje različni vprašalniki. Z njimi smo pridobili mnenja staršev, učiteljev in vključenih učencev o učinkovitosti nudenja pomoči po koncu izvajanja programa. S primerjavo rezultatov dobljenih na začetnem in končnem testiranju smo ugotovili napredek učencev na področju bralne tekočnosti, bralnega razumevanja in bralne motivacije. Načrtovanje in izvedba medvrstniške pomoči pri branju ter priprava treninga in gradiv za učence, ki nudijo pomoč pri branju, specialno pedagoško stroko spodbuja k drugačnemu pristopu za izboljšanje branja učencev in s tem k inkluzivni naravnanosti, saj z medvrstniško pomočjo upoštevamo različnost učencev in jim nudimo pomoč v okolju, kjer so kot prejemniki pomoči najmanj izpostavljeni.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80016 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10858057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of cross – age peer tutoring on reading and reading motivation
Reading is an activity that accompanies us throughout life and affects the individual all-round development. The basic dimensions of the reading process are word recognition (decoding), reading fluency and reading comprehension. Students with reading difficulties need more practice to acquire these skills. This is a challenging task for them, as their motivation for reading is lower due to their problems with reading. The most common cause of long-term reading difficulties is dyslexia, however they may also be the result of interference and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or a combination of dyslexia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It is important to promote reading and reading motivation to improve reading. This can be achieved with planned, organized and systematic peer support. The theoretical part of the master thesis presents reading difficulties, their causes and strategies for development of reading fluency, reading comprehension and reading motivation. Peer assistance is presented as a way to improve reading. The objectives of the empirical part have been to complete and carry out an existing peer assistance programme »Bereva skupaj« (»Let’s read together«), to establish training for students who will be then trained to provide peer assistance in reading, and to determine what impact the peer assistance programme »Bereva skupaj« has on reading fluency, reading comprehension and reading motivation of students with difficulties in reading because of dyslexia and / or ADHD disorders. The results of the implemented peer assistance programme »Bereva skupaj« whose aim is to improve reading fluency, reading comprehension and reading motivation of the students with reading difficulties are presented. The peer assistance programme »Bereva skupaj« was carried out for six months, once a week. Before the implementation of the programme the students who offered the help in reading attended the training, in which they were presented with strategies of reading comprehension and strategies for reading in pairs. We have also taught them how to give feedback and praise to the students, where to begin and end their meetings. On the completion of training we launched the program »Bereva skupaj«. Meetings were held in pairs, once a week for one school lesson. A pair consisted of a student who provides assistance and a student who receives assistance. The study included five students aged between 8 and 9 years who have difficulties in reading as a result of dyslexia and / or ADHD disorders. Their progress was checked with two subtests – Words 1 and Words 2 – Assessment of reading and writing disorders, a one-minute test of reading aloud and a Reading motivation questionnaire for younger students. Four different questionnaires were made for the purpose of the survey to help us gain the opinions of parents, teachers and students involved in the programme on the effectiveness of the assistance. By comparing the results obtained at the initial and final testing we found out the students’ progress in the area of reading fluency, reading comprehension and reading motivation. Planning and implementation of peer assistance in reading, and preparation of training and materials for students providing assistance encourages special educational professionals to take different approach to improve reading and thus to an inclusive orientation by taking into consideration a diversity of students and offering them assistance in the environment where they are not exposed too much.


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