
Okoljski projekti v izobraževalnih ustanovah - primer Pedagoške fakultete v Ljubljani
ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3279/ This link opens in a new window

Pedagoška fakulteta v Ljubljani je prva slovenska fakulteta, ki se je vključila v mednarodni program Ekošola (Eko-schools), katerega cilj je spodbujati ozaveščenost študentov in zaposlenih o trajnostnem razvoju. Na fakulteti je bil ustanovljen programski odbor, ki je opravil pregled okoljskega stanja na fakulteti. Na osnovi pregleda je bil oblikovan program dela, ki vključuje dejavnosti, ki so povezane s trajnostnim odnosom do porabe energije in vode, ravnanja z odpadki, s transportom, z zdravjem ter dobrim počutjem študentov in zaposlenih. Posebna pozornost je namenjena tudi zagotavljanju biotske raznovrstnost. V okviru programa je fakulteta uvedla sistem ločenega zbiranja odpadkov, ki je vplival na zmanjševanje količine odpadkov in stroškov za njihov odvoz. Uporabnike stavbe z različnimi napisi spodbujamo k zmanjševanju porabe elektrike, vode in papirja. Organizirane so različne akcije zbiranja materialov, ki se lahko ponovno uporabijo (oblačila, igrače, plastični zamaški). Biotsko raznovrstnost zagotavljamo s sajenjem novih rastlin v okolici fakultete in z zatiranjem invazivnih vrst. Zaposleni si lahko za krajše prevoze sposodijo kolesa. Uživanje slovenske in lokalno pridelane hrane spodbujamo z vključevanjem v projekta Dan slovenske hrane in Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk. Glede na poslanstvo Pedagoške fakultete se okoljske vsebine obravnavajo pri nekaterih predmetih različnih študijskih programov, pri čemer spodbujamo medpredmetno povezovanje. Leta 2014 je fakulteta za opravljeno delo prejela mednarodno priznanje – zeleno zastavo, ki predstavlja ustanove, ki delujejo okoljevarstveno in izpolnjujejo mednarodna merila FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education).

Keywords:okoljsko izobraževanje
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:154-166
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80004 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Eco transformation of educational organisations - a case of Faculty of Education at University of Ljubljana
The Faculty of Education in Ljubljana is the first Slovene faculty participating in the Ecoschools international programme, the goal of which is to encourage awareness of sustainable development among students and employees. The faculty established a programme board, who examined the environmental conditions of the faculty. Based on this examination, they designed a work programme that includes activities referring to sustainable attitude towards the use of energy and water, waste management, transport, the health and the well-being of students and employees. Their special attention was focused on ensuring biodiversity. Within the programme, the faculty introduced a system of separate waste collection, which resulted in decreased waste quantity and expenses for the municipal cleansing service. The users of the faculty building are encouraged, with various slogans, to reduce the use of electricity, water and paper. Various campaigns of collecting reusable materials (clothes, toys, plastic bottle caps) have been organised. Biodiversity has been ensured by planting new plants around the Faculty and by eradicating invasive plants. The employees can borrow bicycles for short distance travels. Consumption of Slovene and locally grown food is promoted through our participation in the Dan slovenske hrane (The day of Slovene food) and Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk (Traditional Slovene breakfast) projects. In terms of the mission of the Faculty of Education, the environmental contents are part of some subjects in various study programmes and inter-subject connections are encouraged as well. In 2014, the Faculty received an international award a green – flag that represents institutions actively supporting the environment and fulfilling FEE (the Foundation for Environmental Education) international criteria.

Keywords:environmental education

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