
Simbolno prikazovanje števil v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Urevc, Špela (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Števila so že od nekdaj prisotna v naših življenjih, saj so vse povsod okoli nas. So tudi sestavni del otrokovega življenja, saj jih vidi in posluša odrasle, kako jih uporabljamo v vsakodnevnih opravilih. Zato sem v teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela predstavila zgodovino števil, kako so šteli naši predniki, kako se je vse skupaj razvijalo in nadgrajevalo. Predstavila sem tudi začetke zapisa števil in njihovo poimenovanje. Na kratko sem opisala začetek in razvoj števila nič, Piagetovo teorijo o razvoju pojma število pri predšolskem otroku in kako je število opredeljeno v Kurikulumu za vrtce. V empiričnem delu sem raziskovala, kako se predšolski otroci spopadajo s štetjem in zapisovanjem števil. Zanimalo me je, kako so razvite številske predstave otrok, katera števila znajo zapisati, katere zapise števil prepoznajo in katere so najpogostejše napake, ki jih delajo pri zapisovanju številk. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo predšolski otroci dobro razvite številske predstave. Vsi otroci, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo, znajo šteti do 5, kljub temu da vsi ne prepoznajo pravilnega zapisa številk in jih tudi ne znajo zapisati. Ugotovila sem, da je najpogostejša napaka, ki jo naredijo pri zapisu, zrcalni zapis številke.

Keywords:zgodovina števil, štetje, razvoj pojma število, številka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[Š. Urevc]
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-79944 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10848841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
UREVC, Špela, 2015, Simbolno prikazovanje števil v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Š. Urevc. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Simbolic representation of numbers in preschool education
Numbers have been present in our lives since the befinning of time, as they are everywhere around us. They are also an integral part of a child's life, because he sees and hears adults use them in everyday activities. Therefore, the theoretical part of the thesis presents the history of numbers and explains how our ancestors counted and how this field developed and progressed through time. It describes the beginnings of recording and naming numbers and touches on the beginnings and evolution of the number zero, Moreover, it presentsPiaget's theory on the evolution of the concept of the number in a pre-school child and how the topi cof numbers is specified in the kindergarten curriculum. The empirical part examines how preschool children cope with counting and writing numbers. We wanted to know how they develop numeric conception, which numbers they are able to write and recognise, and what are the most common mistakes they make when writing numbers. The results of the research indicate that preschool children have a well-developed numeric conception. All children who were included in the study were able to count to 5, despite the fact that not all of them could identify the correct symbol for a specific number or know how to write them. We also found that the most common mistake when writing numbers is mirror writing.

Keywords:history of numbers

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