
Študija učinkov hkratne izvedbe energetske in konstrukcijske sanacije starejšega objekta na Tomšičevi ulici v Kranju : magistrsko delo
ID Melink, Janez (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A5EEDF8F12D535636D0A0A07114A74B0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/877abee8-085a-4867-87cb-ea0242dd008b

Namen magistrskega dela je bila določitev potrebnih ukrepov v sklopu energetske sanacije stavbe na Tomšičevi ulici 7 v Kranju, s katerimi zadovoljimo trenutne zahteve standardov o toplotni prehodnosti ter s tem učinkovito zmanjšamo toplotne izgube. Obenem smo v času energetske sanacije na objektu želeli aplicirati tudi ukrepe na konstrukciji, s katerimi z minimalnimi stroški povečamo potresno odpornost zunanjih zidov (fasad) objekta. Za izdelavo analize potresne odpornosti fasad smo uporabili metodo FaMIVE, s katero smo preverjali možnost nastanka ravninskih in izven ravninskih porušitev fasad. Podatke za analizo smo pridobili po ogledu objekta in na osnovi posredovane dokumentacije objekta. Z izvedbo vgradnje sider smo fasadam primerno povečali lokalno potresno odpornost, saj smo na ta način obstoječi ESC faktor povečali za več kot dvakrat. V drugem delu magistrske naloge smo naredili analizo energetske učinkovitosti objekta, kjer smo pridobili podatke o obstoječem stanju zunanjih konstrukcijskih sklopov z uporabo termografije. Sestavo in površino elementov smo vstavili v program Gradbena fizika URSA 4.0, s katerim smo analizirali energetsko učinkovitost objekta. Izkazalo se je, da bi z vgradnjo toplotne izolacije na fasade, v stropne konstrukcije in z zamenjavo dotrajanih oken znatno zmanjšali toplotne izgube, z vgradnjo kotla na lesno biomaso pa povečali učinkovitost sistemov za ogrevanje. Primerjava stroškov posameznega dela sanacije je pokazala, da kar 88 % skupne investicije predstavljajo ukrepi energetske sanacije, predvsem na račun stroška novih oken, izvedbe toplotne izolacije na fasadi in vgradnje novega kotla. Z izvedbo ukrepov na ovoju stavbe smo zadostili pogojem o največji dovoljeni toplotni prehodnosti skozi konstrukcijski sklop, ki so opisane v pravilniku PURES 2010.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, protipotresna utrditev, energetska sanacija, obnova, stroški investicije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Melink]
Number of pages:XX, 114 str., 20 f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-79937 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7322721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of simultaneous energy and structural retrofitting actions for the case study of older building at Tomšičeva st. in Kranj
The purpose of the thesis was to determine the necessary measures for energy rehabilitation of the building located at Tomšičeva ulica 7 in Kranj in order to reach current requirements of standards for thermal efficiency of buildings. At the same time during energy rehabilitation of the building we also wanted to apply strengthening measures with minimal interventions to increase its seismic resistance. For the analysis of seismic resistance of peripheral walls (facades) we used the FaMIVE method which allowed us to calculate the possibility of formation of the in plane collapses and out of plane collapses of the facades. The data used for the analysis was collected from in-site inspection of the building and from available documentation of the building. By mounting anchors the value of ESC factor which allow us to determine seismic resistance of facades was successfully increased for more than a double. In the second part of the thesis analysis of building’s energy efficiency was made. The data about current status of the building envelope was obtained by using thermography. We performed an energy efficiency analysis of the building with the software Gradbena fizika URSA 4.0. Results show that installation of thermal insulation onto façade, onto ceilings and replacement of old windows significantly reduces heat losses. Efficiency of heating system can be further increased by installing wood biomass boiler. The comparison of costs showed that 88 % of the whole investment represent the costs of energy rehabilitation, particularly because of the costs of the new windows, installation of thermal insulation on the facades and installation of new boiler. By implementation of measures on the building envelope we have successfully met conditions about maximum thermal transmittance trough external elements of the building, which are described in regulation PURES 2010.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, earthquake resistance, energy retrofitting, restoration, investment costs

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