
Osebnostne značilnosti predšolskih otrok z govorno motnjo jecljanja in njihov odnos do lastnega govora : doktorska disertacija
ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Author), ID Košir, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Jecljanje je multidimenzionalna motnja, ki zahteva temu primerno ocenjevanje, diagnostiko in obravnavo. Proces diagnosticiranja jecljanja mora upoštevati afektivne, vedenjske in kognitivne vidike motnje jecljanja (Vanryckeghem, Brutten, 2007). Cilj dela je bil s slovensko različico testa KiddyCAT© (Vanryckeghem in Brutten, 2007) analizirati odnos predšolskih otrok, ki jecljajo, do lastnega govora. Prav tako je bil cilj analizirati osebnostne lastnosti predšolskih otrok, ki jecljajo. Primerjan je bil odnos do lastnega govora in osebnostne lastnosti med predšolskimi otroki, ki jecljajo, in njihovimi vrstniki, katerih govor je fluenten. Odnos do lastnega govora smo ugotavljali s Testom odnosa do lastnega govora – KiddyCAT© – Communication Attitude Test for Preschool and Kindergarten Children Who Stutter (Vanryckeghem in Brutten, 2007), osebnostne lastnosti pa z Vprašalnikom o medosebnih razlikah za otroke in mladostnike (VMR-OM), katerega avtor je Halverson, za slovensko populacijo sta ga priredili M. Zupančič in T. Kavčič (2009). Podatki temeljijo na vzorcu 49 otrok, ki jecljajo, in 75 otrok, ki govorijo fluentno in prihajajo iz različnih krajev po Sloveniji. Vzorec otrok, ki govorijo fluentno, sestavlja 39 dečkov in 36 deklic, vzorec otrok, ki jecljajo, pa predstavlja 32 dečkov in 17 deklic. Otroci obeh skupin so bili razdeljeni še na dve podskupini; mlajši predšolski otroci stari od 3,0 do 4,5 leta in starejši predšolski otroci stari od 4,6 leta do 6,0 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo predšolski otroci, ki jecljajo, statistično pomembno bolj negativen odnos do lastnega govora kot otroci, ki govorijo fluentno. Odnos do lastnega govora postaja z leti pri otrocih, ki jecljajo, bolj negativen, vendar ne statistično pomembno. Obratno pa pri predšolskih otrocih, ki govorijo fluentno, negativen odnos do lastnega govora z leti upada, razlika med mlajšimi in starejšimi ni statistično pomembna. Spol na odnos do lastnega govora nima vpliva. Pri otrocih, ki jecljajo, na odnos do lastnega govora statistično pomembno vpliva jakost jecljanja. Bolj negativen odnos do govora imajo predšolski otroci, katerih jakost jecljanja je večja. Visok Cronbach alfa koeficient zanesljivosti potrjuje, da je test zanesljiv in občutljiv in ga lahko uporabimo za ugotavljanje odnosa otrok do lastnega govora. Med skupino predšolskih otrok, ki jecljajo, in njihovimi vrstniki, ki govorijo fluentno, so se pokazale tudi razlike v osebnostnih lastnostih. Na dimenziji ekstravertnosti, vestnosti in nevroticizma se otroci, ki jecljajo, statistično pomembno razlikujejo od vrstnikov, ki govorijo fluentno. Na dimenziji nesprejemljivosti pa statistično pomembnih razlik med skupinama ni. Otroci, ki jecljajo, so manj odprti za izkušnje, manj iščejo stike z drugimi, so bolj boječi kot njihovi vrstniki in nagnjeni k tesnobnosti, zaskrbljenosti. Otroci, ki jecljajo, se od svojih vrstnikov statistično pomembno razlikujejo na lestvici inteligentnosti, kjer so dosegli manj točk na področju govora, besednjaka, razumevanja in mišljenja. Pomembnost poznavanja dimenzij osebnosti pri otrocih, ki jecljajo, je v njihovem vplivu na otrokov razvoj in na potek motnje jecljanja, zaradi česar otroci, ki jecljajo, potrebujejo sprotno obravnavo in prilagojeno terapijo. Raziskava je prva v Sloveniji, ki ugotavlja odnos predšolskih otrok, ki jecljajo, do lastnega govora, njihove osebnostne značilnosti in te povezuje z jecljanjem. Prispevek raziskave je tudi prirejen KiddyCAT – Test odnosa do lastnega govora za predšolske otroke, ki je umerjen za slovensko populacijo in bo logopedom omogočil zgodnje odkrivanje otrokove predstave o lastnem govoru in zgodnjo vključitev v obravnavo, kar pa bo posledično vplivalo na boljšo prognozo glede odprave motnje.

Keywords:osebnostne lastnosti
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[J. Novšak Brce]
Number of pages:315 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-79935 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10845257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Personal characteristics and communication attitude of preschool children who stutter
Being multi-dimensional in nature, stuttering requires corresponding assessment, diagnosis and treatment. In the diagnostic process, affective, behavioral and cognitive aspects of the disorder have to be taken into account (Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2007). The purpose of this study was to investigate the communication attitude of preschool children who stutter by using the KiddyCAT © (Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2007), to analyze their communication attitude and to assess their personality traits. Communication attitude and personality traits among preschool children who stutter and among their peers who speak fluently were compared. Communication attitude of preschool children was measured with Test odnosa do lastnega govora KiddyCAT © - Communication Attitude Test for Preschool and Kindergarten Children Who Stutter (Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2007), whereas personality characteristics were assessed with Halverson’s Vprašalnik o medosebnih razlikah za otroke in mladostnike (VMR-OM). The Slovenian version was translated and adapted by M. Zupančič and T. Kavčič (2009). Data are based on a sample of 49 preschool children who stutter (CWS) and 75 preschool children who do not stutter (CWNS) from different areas of Slovenia. The sample of CWNS consisted of 39 boys and 36 girls, and that of CWS contained 32 boys and 17 girls. The children were then divided into two subgroups according to age – ‘’younger’’ (3,0 – 4,5 years old) and ‘’older’’ (4,6 – 6,0 years old). The results showed that preschool children who stutter report a more negative attitude toward their own speech than preschool children who do not stutter. With the years communication attitude becomes more negative, but not statistically significant. An opposite observation was made of children who do not stutter. It was found that negative attitude toward their own speech decreases with the years. The difference between younger and older children was not statistically significant for either group. Gender did not affect the test scores. Severity of stuttering has significant impact on communication attitude. Preschool children with severe stuttering have more negative communication attitude. A high Cronbach alpha coefficient for both groups indicates that the KiddyCAT – SLO is an internally reliable instrument that can be used to compare the communication attitude of preschool children who stutter and children who do not stutter. There are also differences in personality traits among the group of children who stutter, and their peers who speak fluently. On the dimensions of extraversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism, children who stutter statistically differ significantly from their peers who speak fluently. Statistically, there were not significant differences between the two groups on the dimension of the agreeableness. Children who stutter are less open to experience and looking for contacts with others, they are more apprehensive and concern than their peers and prone to anxiety. Statistically, children who stutter differ significantly from their peers on the scale of intelligence, where they reached fewer points on the areas of speech, vocabulary, comprehension and thinking. The importance of knowledge of the personality dimensions in children who stutter is in the impact on children's development and progress of stuttering disorder, resulting in the requirement of ongoing treatment and personalized therapy for children who stutter. This study, which determines communication attitude and personality characteristics and their connection to stuttering in preschool children who stutter and those who do not, is the first of that kind in Slovenia. The contribution of the research is well adapted KiddyCAT, which is adapted for the Slovenian population and will allow speech and language therapists early detection of children's perceptions of their own speech and early integration into the therapy, which will in turn affect a better prognosis with regard to the elimination of disorder.


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