
Učna klima ter njena povezanost s samopodobo dijakov Gimnazije Kranj
ID Jurič, Sabina (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://www.revija.zzsp.org/pdf/SocPed_2011-01_web.pdf This link opens in a new window

Razredna klima predstavlja vsako dogajanje v razredu, ki je določeno z medsebojnimi odnosi, osebnostnim razvojem dijakov ter sistemskimi značilnostmi razreda, in je pomembno izhodišče za delo učitelja v razredu. Povezana je z učnimi dosežki dijakov, njihovim kognitivnim razvojem, motivacijo ter s samopodobo dijakov (Maxwell & Chmielewski, 2008; Roskam & Nils, 2007). V naši raziskavi nas je zanimala zaznava obstoječe ter želene učne klime dijakov prvih in drugih letnikov Gimnazije Kranj, razlike med zaznavanjem razredne klime med dijaki ter povezanost razredne klime s samopodobo dijakov obeh letnikov. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 197 dijakov, ki so reševali dva vprašalnika. Vprašalnik Učna klima - dijaki (Zabukovec, 1998) ter vprašalnik samopodobe (SPA) (Pečjak & Krajnc, 1998). Predvideli smo, da bodo prvi letniki v primerjavi z drugimi pomembno više zaznavali obstoječo klimo v razredu ter da bodo dekleta v splošnem bolj zadovoljna z obstoječo kot fantje. Pričakovali smo tudi pozitivno povezanost splošne samopodobe z obstoječo razredno klimo. Rezultati so zavrnili dane hipoteze. Drugi letniki pomembno više vrednotijo obstoječo razredno klimo kot prvi, med dijaki po spolu ni razlik pri zaznavi obstoječe razredne klime, medtem ko imajo dekleta pomembno višja pričakovanja pri želeni razredni klimi. Pomembna povezanost obstoječe razredne klime s samopodobo dijakov in dijakinj se je pokazala zgolj pri družinski samopodobi.

Keywords:classroom climate, dijaki, razredno vzdušje, samopodoba, secondary school, self-concept, socialna pedagogika, srednja šola, učna klima
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:Združenje za socialno pedagogiko
Number of pages:Str. 55-77
Numbering:Letn. 15, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-77197 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1408-2942
COBISS.SI-ID:8785481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Socialna pedagogika
Shortened title:Soc. pedagog.
Publisher:Združenje za socialno pedagogiko
COBISS.SI-ID:67365376 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Classroom climate and its relation to the self-image of students of the Grammar School Kranj
Classroom atmosphere define all the interactions in the classroom, which is determined with reciprocal relations, personal growth of students and systemic characteristics of the class, which is the important starting point for teachers work. Classroom clime is connected with students achievement, their cognitive growth, motivation and self esteem of the students (Maxwell & Chmielewski, 2008; Roskam & Nils, 2007). In our survey we focused in the relation between the existent and desired learning climate in the classrooms of the first and the second grades, the estimation difference of existent and desired learning climate between male and female students and the possible connection of students self esteem and the classroom climate. There were 197 students answering the two self questionnaire: Learning climate - students (Zabukovec, 1998) and Self esteem questionnaire (SPA) (Pečjak & Krajnc, 1998). We assumed that first grade students will estimate the existent classroom climate higher than second grades students, and that the estimates of female students will be higher than male estimates of existent classroom climate as well. We predicted strong connections between students self esteem and existent classroom climate. The results denied all hypotheses. The second grade students estimated the existent climate higher than the first grade pupils, there were no distinction between male and female students at the existent climate estimation. The female students have higher desired classroom climate. The important connection between self esteem and classroom climate showed only at students family self esteem.

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