
Genetska struktura gozdnih semenskih objektov divje češnje (Prunus avium L.) v Sloveniji : doktorska disertacija
ID Jarni, Kristjan (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakše, Jernej (Comentor)

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MD5: D8B95D7D5DC3D121D504AD044AF63870
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b994cfbd-cc60-4491-be9c-62ced997c821

S pomočjo devetih mikrosatelitskih markerjev je bila proučevana genetska variabilnost divje češnje (Prunus avium L.) v Sloveniji. Analiza 312 dreves izštirih semenskih objektov je pokazala visoko genetsko variabilnost znotraj sestojev (HT = 0,749) in manjšo, vendar značilno variabilnost med sestoji (FST= 0,040; G'ST = 0,137). V sestoju Vipavska brda je bil odkrit velik deleţ dreves vegetativnega izvora. Tako je bilo med 217 analiziranimi drevesi v sestoju potrjenih le 69 različnih genotipov. Ob upoštevanju dreves generativnega izvora kaţe sestoj Vipavska brda močno prostorsko-genetsko strukturo (SGS) (Sp = 0,031), z značilnim koeficientom sorodnosti v prvem razredu oddaljenosti (< 40 m). Z vključitvijo vseh dreves v analizo (generativni + vegetativni izvor) je intenziteta SGS v Vipavskih brdih še višja (Sp = 0,149), medtem ko je koeficient sorodnosti značilno različen od naključne razporeditve genotipov v sestoju do oddaljenosti 240 m. Analiza je pokazala, da so drevesa znotraj klonskih skupin močno prostorsko grupirana terda k prostorski 'grupaciji' posameznih klonov pripomorejo tudi gozdne poti,potoki in jarki, ki predstavljajo ovire razrasti korenin ter na ta način ovirajo vegetativno razmnoţevanje ob pomoči odganjkov iz korenin. V sestoju Vipavska brda so bile na posameznih lokusih odkrite somatske mutacije, kar dodatno povečuje kompleksnost genetske strukture omenjenega sestoja. Rezultati kažejo na pomembnost upoštevanja bioloških in genetskih lastnosti vrst pri gospodarjenju z gozdovi, še posebno pri izločanju semenskih objektov.Pri njihovem izločanju moramo paziti na ustrezno genetsko variabilnost in majhno sorodno povezanost med drevesi.

Keywords:divja češnja, Prunus avium, semenski sestoj, populacija, mikrosateliti, genetska struktura, vegetativno razmnoževanje, somatske mutacije, Slovenija, disertacije
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Jarni]
Number of pages:IX, 75 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-76657 This link opens in a new window
UDC:575:630*1:582.6/.9Prunus avium L.(497.4)(043.3)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:782199 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Genetic structure of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) seed stands in Slovenia
Microsatellite markers were used to describe the genetic structure of four seed stands of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.). 312 individuals were genotyped at nine microsatellite loci. Total genetic diversity was high (HT = 0,749), while differences between stands were small but significant (FST = 0,040; G'ST= 0,137). There was a significant amount of clonal reproduction in the Vipavska brda stand, with only 69 genotypes identified among 217 trees. In Vipavska brda a high overall spatial-genetic structure (SGS) (Sp = 0,031) was observed when only sexually derived genets were considered and the kinship coefficient was only significant in the first distance class (< 40 m). When both the generative and vegetative origin of trees were included, the intensity of the SGS in Vipavska brda increased (Sp = 0,149), while the kinship coefficient was significantly different from a random distribution of genotypes up to the 200-240 m distance class. We determined that the spatial grouping of clones in Vipavska brda was also affected by forest paths, streamsand ditches, which represent obstacles to root growth and consequently obstruct vegetative propagation via root suckers. In Vipavska brda evidence ofsomatic mutations within clonal groups were observed that further increased the complexity of the genetic structure in the stand. Our results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the biological and genetic characteristics of species in forest management, especially when determing newseed stands. They should be carefully selected and should possess adequate genetic variability to ensure low relatedness among seed trees.

Keywords:wild cherry, Prunus avium, seed stand, population, microsatellite, genetic structure, vegetative propagation, somatic mutation, Slovenia

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