
Geološka karta Zgornje Vipavske doline med Velikim poljem na Krasu in Debelo steno na Nanosu : diplomsko delo
ID Bizjak, Jaka (Author), ID Rožič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Popit, Tomislav (Comentor)

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MD5: 9A0BDBA66A99330C3D36CD34BD918ED9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/02a84339-ebf4-405d-9add-1c512afc2ffd

V diplomski nalogi sem izdelal detajlno geološko karto območja Zgornje Vipavske doline. Ozemlje pripada tektonski enoti Zunanjih Dinaridov, natančneje Snežniško-hrušiškemu pokrovu ter Komenski narivni grudi. Najstarejše kamnine na območju se nahajajo v apnenčastih ostenjih Nanosa. Tu gre za bioklastične apnence, algalno-foraminiferno-bioklastične apnence ter rudistne apnence campanijske in spodnje maastrichtijske starosti. Te predstavljajo kamnine Hrušiškega pokrova, ki so narinjene na mlajše siliciklastične flišne kamnine. Na območju Krasa izdanja liburnijska formacija. Bituminozni apnenci Kozinskega faciesa, ki so člen liburnijske formacije, se stikajo z bazalnimi brečami in konglomerati fliša. Liburnijska formacija je maastrichtijske in paleocenske starosti. Na bazalnih konglomeratih in brečah so odložene sp. eocenske flišne kamnine. Gre za menjavanje plasti peščenjakov, laporovcev, muljevcev ter kalciturbiditnih plasti. Ti so sestavljeni iz karbonatnih breč ali konglomeratov v bazi iz apnencev oziroma kalkarenitov, zaporedje pa se zaključi z laporovci. Paleogeografsko je bilo ozemlje v kredi - na Krasu pa še v začetku paleogena - del Dinarske karbonatne platforme, v eocenu pa se je poglobilo v predgorski bazen s flišno sedimentacijo. Najmlajše kamnine oziroma sedimente predstavljajo kvartarni grušči, ki so ponekod sprijeti v brečo. Ti vsebujejo klaste krednih apnencev in flišnih peščenjakov, ki so nastale kot posledica erozije in gravitacijskih tokov Nanoškega JZ pobočja. Kartirano območje sestoji iz treh tektonskih enot. Na SV so kredni apnenci Hrušiškega pokrova narinjeni na eocenske siliciklastične flišne kamnine Snežniškega pokrova, te pa so narinjene na eocenske kamnine Komenske narivne grude. Plasti generalno vpadajo proti SV z različnimi nakloni, od 40° do 80°. Čez ozemlje poteka večja dinarsko usmerjena cona deformiranih kamnin, s smerjo slemenitve SZ % JV. Po mnenju nekaterih avtorjev gre za prelomno cono Vipavskega preloma, vendar sam nisem našel nobenih dokazov, ki bi to potrjevali. Cono bi lahko interpretirali kot narivnico Snežniškega pokrova.

Keywords:geologija, kartiranje, Zgornja Vipavska dolina, Veliko polje, Debela stena, Kras, Nanos
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Bizjak]
Number of pages:51 f., tab., 15 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-76613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1232990 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.12.2015
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Title:geological map of Upper Vipava valley between Veliko polje on Kras and debela stena na Nanosu
In my diploma thesis I mapped the southern Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia. The area is geotectonically a part of the External Dinarides. The oldest rocks in the area outcrop in the limestone cliffs of Mt Nanos. These limestones are bioclastic, algal-foraminiferous-bioclastic and rudist limestones of Campanian and Maastrichtian age. Structurally they belong to the Hrušica Nappe which is thrusted over Eocene flysch strata. Liburnian formation, outcropping in the southern most part of the study area, is of Maastrichtian and Paleocene age. Bituminnous limestones of Vreme facies underlie the basal conglomerate and breccia which pass upward into Eocene flysch strata. Flysch comprises a sequence of alternating sandstone, mudstone, marlstone and calciturbidites. The latter are mostly calciturbidites composed of limestone breccia or conglomerate in the base, calcarenite in between and marlstone on top. Paleographically, this area was part of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform in the late Cretaceous and early Paleogene, which drowned in Eocene due to the formation of forland basin and was buried by flysch sediments. The youngest deposits in the area are Quarternary scree material with clasts of Cretaceous limestone and flysch sandstone which are partly cemented into breccia. These sediments originated from erosion and gravitational flows of the SW slopes of Nanos. The area constitutes three tectonic units. On the NE, the Cretaceous limestones of the Hrušica Nappe are thrusted over eocen flysch strata of Snežnik Nappe, and these are overthrusted onto Eocene layers of Komen Thrust-sheet. The beds generally dip towards NE at variant angles, from 40° to 80°. One stronger Dinaric-oriented deformation zone passes the area. According to some authors, this is a fault-zone of the Vipava Fault, but since I didn't found any evidence of its existence, it could be interpreted as the thrust zone of Snežnik Nappe.

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