
Razvoj družinskih centrov v Sloveniji : občinski vidik
ID Narat, Tamara (Author), ID Kuhar, Metka (Author), ID Kovač, Nadja (Author)

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Prispevek predstavi percepcijo občin glede lastne vloge in pomena pri zagotavljanju kakovosti življenja družin z otroki, njihovo poznavanje delovanja družinskih centrov po obstoječi definiciji, ki jo je določilo Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, ter odnos do teh v primeru poznavanja. Največji del prispevka pa je namenjen analizi odnosa občin do ustanovitve družinskih centrov po vzoru prevladujočih konceptov iz drugih držav - pri vseh je poudarek na prostoru druženja in povezovanja, tesno vpetem v lokalno skupnost. Pri tem avtorice posebej preučijo potrebe in interese občin ter njihovo vlogo pri morebitni implementaciji družinskega centra. Prispevek temelji na analizi reprezentativnega vzorca predstavnikov 141 občin in desetih polstrukturiranih intervjujev z izbranimi občinami. Rezultati kažejo na naklonjenost občin ideji družinskega centra, predstavniki občin vidijo v taki instituciji možnost za povezovanje in nadgradnjo obstoječe ponudbe. Kar zadeva implementacijo, se je večina analiziranih občin v sodelovanju z državo pripravljena aktivno angažirati na različne načine.

Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 271-282, 286, 288
Numbering:Letn. 51, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-74862 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0352-7956
COBISS.SI-ID:31368029 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Socialno delo
Shortened title:Soc. delo
Publisher:Skupnost socialnega varstva Slovenije, Republiški komite za zdravstveno in socialno varstvo, Zveza društev socialnih delavcev Slovenije, Višja šola za socialne delavce, Sekretariat za zdravstvo in socialno varstvo Republike Slovenije, Zveza društev socialnih delavcev Republike Slovenije, Višja šola za socialne delavce, Visoka šola za socialno delo, Fakulteta za socialno delo
COBISS.SI-ID:8900610 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Development of family centres in Slovenia
The article addresses the perception of Slovene municipalities of their role in ensuring the quality of life of families with children, their knowledge about activities of family centres according to the current definition set by Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, and their attitude towards these centres. The main focus of the article is given to the analysis of municipalitiesʼ perspective towards establishment of family centres based on the models operating abroad - for non-Slovene centres it is caracteristique that they provide the place that enables socializing and integration, and that they are strongly embedded in local communities. Here particularly the needs and interests of municipalities and their role in potential implementation of family centres are being investigated. The article is based on the analysis of representative sample of representatives of 141 municipalities and on the analysis of 10 semi-structured interviews among selected municipalities. The obtained results show that municipalities support the idea of family centres - they recognize the possibility for integration and upgrading the existing institutions that offer these kind of services. Concerning the implementation of family centres, analysed data implicates that the majority of municipalities are prepared to take an active role in this field in cooperation with the government.

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