
Literarna analiza izbranih uglasbenih pesmi, objavljenih v reviji Cicido : od leta 1998 do leta 2015
ID Jurčić, Sara (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3254/ This link opens in a new window

V zadnjih desetletjih se predšolskim otrokom pri nas ponuja cela vrsta različnih literarnih in glasbenih del, od katerih nedvomno niso vsa enako kakovostna. Ravno tako je tudi v vrtcih postala velikokrat praksa, da vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljice otrokom prebirajo, pojejo ali pa jim pripravijo za poslušanje zelo širok spekter različnih del, ki se ponujajo na spletu in v mladinski periodiki. Ker ni vsa ponudba tudi kakovostna, je v diplomski nalogi raziskano področje uglasbenih literarnih del, objavljenih v reviji Cicido, ki skupaj s Cicibanom še zmeraj "ostajata vrhunski reviji za najmlajše", kot ju je opisala docentka za glasbeno pedagogiko na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo Branka Rotar Pance. Opravljena je kvalitativna literarna analiza trinajstih uglasbenih pesmi (pesmi z notami), izdanih v reviji Cicido, teoretična podlaga zanjo pa je strokovni članek slovenske literarne zgodovinarke in raziskovalke Marjane Kobe z naslovom Sodobna pravljica, objavljen v reviji Otrok in knjiga (1999, 2000). Omenjeno teorijo smo primerjali tudi z novejšimi (2013) teoretičnimi dognanji avtoric Dragice Haramija in Janje Batič v delu Poetika slikanice. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala, da so slovenske sodobne pesmi, objavljene v reviji Cicido, primerne ciljni skupini predšolskih otrok ter da se tematsko ukvarjajo s tistimi temami, ki so otroškemu bralcu najbližje. Otrok se iz njih lahko marsičesa nauči, pri tem pa predvsem uživa in se neobremenjeno igra – v domišljijskem in realnem svetu. Opravljena je tudi kvantitativna analiza vseh objavljenih pesmi, iz katere je razvidno, da imamo pri nas bogat izbor sodobnih mladinskih avtorjev besedil, uredništvo revije pa skrbi, da kakovostna poezija dobi tudi glasbeno podobo. Na ta način so otroci v pristnem stiku z resnično kakovostno poezijo. Zadovoljni so, ker so se naučili novo pesmico, vsak član organizacijskega in izvedbenega kolesja pa je zadovoljen zato, ker je otrokom ponudil celoto kakovostnih vsebin. In ker se melodija vtisne globoko v otrokov um, jo otrok pozna, tudi ko je odrasel. To pa je največ, kar lahko dosežemo.

Keywords:revija Cicido, analiza pesmi, uglasbene pesmi, kakovostna poezija, sodobni mladinski avtorji
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Jurčić]
Number of pages:VIII, 84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73977 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10839369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Literary analysis of selected poems set to music published in the children's magazine Cicido: between 1998 and 2015
In the past few decades preschool children in Slovenia have had access to a variety of different literary and musical works, undoubtedly not all of equal quality. Likewise it has become quite common for nursery school teachers to choose from a very wide spectrum of different works available on the internet or in different children magazines when reading, singing or deciding what to listen to. Since not everything that is supplied is quality this thesis explores the field of literary works set to music published in the magazine Cicido which, together with Ciciban, still remains a “topmost magazine for the youngest”, as described by assistant professor of musical pedagogy at the Ljubljana Academy of Music, Branka Rotar Pance. The thesis contains a qualitative analysis of thirteen poems set to music (poems with musical notes) published in the magazine Cicido. The theoretical part is based on the article titled “Sodobna pravljica” (“The Modern Fairy Tale”) by the Slovenian literary historian and researcher Marjana Kobe, published in the magazine Otrok in knjiga (The child and the book). (1999, 2000) This theory has been compared with some more recent (2013) theoretical conclusions taken from the work “Poetika slikanice” (“The poetics of the picture book”) by authors Dragica Haramija and Janja Batič. The qualitative analysis showed that the modern Slovenian poems published in the magazine Cicido are appropriate for preschool children and also deal with themes that are closest to the young reader. A child can learn a lot from them but most of all enjoy in carefree play – in the imaginative and the real world. The thesis also includes a quantitative analysis of all the published poems which reveals the wide selection of modern Slovenian authors of youth literature while the editorial department makes sure that quality poetry receives a musical image. In this way children get in proper contact with poetry of true quality. They are satisfied with learning a new song and each member of the organisational and executional teams is satisfied with offering the children quality content on the whole. Furthermore, since the melody is etched deep into the child’s mind they will recognise it even as adults. And that is the most we can achieve.

Keywords:Cicido magazine

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