
Kapaciteta sistema GSM-R Slovenskih železnic
ID BARUKČIĆ, DAVOR (Author), ID Burnik, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/65f01295-d083-407c-bf8e-fddd46f9e910

Diplomska naloga proučuje način uporabe frekvenc sistema GSM-R in njihovo uporabo za podporo sistemu ETCS z zagotavljanjem prenosa podatkov in govora. V prvem delu je opisana trenutna infrastruktura Slovenskih železnic in osnovni deli železniškega telekomunikacijskega sistema. V nadaljevanju sta opisana sistema ETCS in GSM-R kot sestavna dela sistema ERTMS. Predstavljene so stopnje sistema ETCS, za katere delovanje je potreben sistem GSM-R, in funkcionalnosti sistema GSM-R, namenjene izključno za uporabo na železnicah. V tretjem delu je obdelan sistem GSM-R s področja komunikacije in uporabe frekvenc. Predstavljena je uporaba frekvenc, razporeditev frekvenc v omrežju, struktura omrežja in določanje kapacitete omrežja. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge je opravljena analiza kapacitete sistema. Za območje Železniške postaje Ljubljana je opravljena primerjava potrebnih kanalov za zagotovitev nemotenega prometa. Izračuni potrebnih frekvenčnih kanalov so določeni glede na količino prometa v najbolj prometni uri in s predpostavljeno največjo količino prometa.

Keywords:komunikacijski sistem, frekvenčni kanali, kapaciteta, sistem GSM-R
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73714 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Capacity of GSM-R system in Slovenian Railways
This thesis examins the use of GSM-R frequencies and their use to ensure the transmission of data and speech for ETCS. The first part describes the current infrastructure of Slovenian Railways and the basic parts of the railway telecommunication system. The following describes the ETCS and GSM-R as integral parts of ERTMS system. Also presented are ETCS levels, which operations require GSM-R, and functionalities of GSM-R system, designed exclusively for railway use. The third part focuses on the GSM-R system in the field of communication and the use of frequencies. Described is the use of frequencies, allocation of frequencies in the network, network structures and determining of the network capacity. In the practical part of the thesis, analysis of the system capacity is made. For the main railway station in Ljubljana, calculation is made of the necessary channels to ensure smooth traffic. The calculation is determined by the amaount of traffic in the busiest hour and the assumed highest traffic volume.

Keywords:communication system, frequency channels, capacity, GSM-R

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