
Mobilnost v poslovnih komunikacijah
ID BUMBAR, ROBERT (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8F41097EFD6B38358DB21F3C8B25465D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7acef24b-c229-439b-89ba-03937110b41a

Cilj diplomskega dela je predstavitev standardov in tehnoloških rešitev, predvsem v segmentu govornih komunikacij, ki jih danes uporabljamo v poslovnem svetu za mobilna delovna mesta. Osrednji del diplomskega dela je sestavljen iz štirih delov. Prvi opisuje mobilnost na delovnem mestu znotraj podjetja z vidika tehničnih komunikacijskih rešitev in standarde, od katerih so nekateri starejši, vendar so se zaradi svoje robustnosti ali razširjenosti obdržali do današnjih dni. Drugi opisuje komunikacijske rešitve mobilne delovne sile zunaj delovnega okolja, delo od doma, prodajne ekipe na terenu, tehnične ekipe na terenu. Tretji predstavlja najnovejše trende v podjetjih, ko zaposleni prinesejo lastne komunikacijske naprave (angl. Bring Your Own Device – BYOD) v podjetja (pametni telefoni, tablični računalniki). Naprave se seveda selijo iz podjetja nazaj v zasebna okolja zaposlenih. Pri teh prehodih ostajajo povezane s poslovnimi aplikacijami v podjetjih, s čimer nastajajo varnostna vprašanja, ki so izziv osebam, ki so odgovorne za informacijske tehnologije (angl. Information Technology – IT) v podjetjih. Vendar pa je ta proces neustavljiv, zato se v tem delu dotaknemo rešitve, kako z zasnovo BYOD na sledenju pametne naprave in upravljanjem nad priključnimi točkami v podjetju dosežemo, da le pravi ljudje z odobrenimi napravami dostopajo do komunikacijskih virov v podjetju. V četrtem delu pa je predstavljen sodoben govorni komunikacijski strežnik kot primer rešitve govornih komunikacij za podjetja, kjer se združujejo klasična in mobilna delovna mesta. Diplomsko delo zaključujejo sklepne ugotovitve, kako so mobilne tehnologije zaznamovale delovna mesta ter njihov vpliv na dosegljivost kjerkoli in kadarkoli.

Keywords:govorne komunikacije, mobilno delovno mesto, BYOD, informacijska tehnologija, dosegljivost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73471 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
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Title:Mobility in business communications
The aim of this thesis is the presentation of standards and technological solutions, predominantly in the segment of voice communications, which are used today in the business world for mobile workers. The main body of this thesis is constructed in four parts. The first one describes mobility in the workspace within a company from the aspect of technical communication solutions, out of which many are heavily out-dated but are still used today due to their robustness and the fact that they are widespread. The second part of this thesis describes communication solutions for the work force while outside of their workspace i.e. work from home, sales teams on the field, technical teams on the field, etc. The third part of this thesis displays the latest trends in companies, where employees bring their own communication devices (BYOD) to work (smartphones, tablets…). Employees then take those devices back home and during those transitions a connection to business applications is maintained, which causes security concerns to arise, which are the main source of headaches for IT staff. However, this process is unavoidable, hence in this part of the thesis we inspect a solution – how the use of BOYD along with smart-device tracking and access point management enables us to ensure that only selected people with authorized devices have access to company communication sources. In the fourth part of the thesis a modern verbal communication server Alcatel-Lucent OMNI PCX Office (RCE) is discussed as an example of a voice communication solution for companies, which combine the traditional and mobile workspace. The thesis is then concluded with closing realisations about how mobile technology has affected our perception of workspaces and how we are now available anywhere, anytime.

Keywords:voice communications, mobile workspace, BOYD, IT, availability

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