
Izgradnja podatkovnega centra
ID KONCILJA, MITJA (Author), ID Burnik, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C3F9A06F42E51ECA9F022200353CA280
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7adb2388-e76c-4e18-b1f0-ccdb868f44ba

Diplomska naloga opisuje izvedbeni postopek izgradnje podatkovnega centra in njegovo delovanje. V prvem delu naloge je opisan teoretični del o načinu gradnje in hlajenju podatkovnih centrov ter računalništvo v oblaku. Ob načrtovanju so upoštevani vsi potrebni dejavniki za zanesljivo, varčno in varno delovanje podatkovnega centra skozi celotni cikel obratovanja. Opisani so postopki postavitve infrastrukture, načrtovanja prostora, izvedbe učinkovitega hlajenja, zanesljivega električnega napajanja, optimalne razporeditve komunikacijskih in strežniških omar, požarnega javljanja in gašenja ter varovanja. Praktični del naloge prikazuje in opisuje zaporedje izvedbe podatkovnega centra, njegovo delovanje in težave, s katerimi smo se srečali pri sami izvedbi. Podatkovni center z vsemi pripadajočimi elementi se je v praksi pokazal kot dobro načrtovan podatkovni center, z optimalno razporeditvijo omar v prostoru in varčnim načinom hlajenja ter stabilnim delovanjem. Pri samem načrtovanju podatkovnega centra smo upoštevali in dopustili možnost enostavne širitve po fazah brez kakršnega koli vpliva na obstoječ podatkovni center. V sklepnem delu naloge sem povzel ključne dejavnike pri postavitvi centra, njegove prednosti in slabosti ter možnosti, ki jih nismo upoštevali pri postavitvi zaradi časovnih in finančnih omejitev. Osebno sem ovrednotil celoten potek postopka in izpostavil nekaj alinej, ki se jih pri vsaki postavitvi centra ne sme spregledati.

Keywords:podatkovni center, hlajenje, neprekinjeno napajanje, infrastruktura, računalništvo v oblaku
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73469 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Construction of corporate data center
This diploma thesis describes the construction procedure of data centre and its performance. In the first part of the assignment the theoretical part of the way of building and cooling of data centres and the cloud computing have been described. At the planning all the necessary factors for a reliable, economical and secure operation of the data centre throughout the operation cycle have been considered. All the construction procedures of infrastructure installation, area room design, effective cooling performance, reliable electrical power supply, optimal network and server racks layout, fire response and extinguish and security have been described. The practical part of the thesis shows and describes the sequence of data centre performance, its functioning and the difficulties which occurred during the performance. The data centre including all its corresponding elements proved in operation to be a well designed data centre with optimal layout of racks in the area room, economical cooling system and stable functioning. At designing of the data centre the possibility of a simple enlargement in stages without any impact on the existing data centre has been considered. In the final part of the thesis I summarize the key factors for the placement of the centre, its advantages and weaknesses and the possibilities which were not considered at the installation due to time and financial limitations. I have evaluated the whole procedure and pointed out some paragraphs which are essential at the establishment of a centre.

Keywords:data centre, cooling, uninterruptible power supply, infrastructure, cloud computing

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