
Nadgradnja osvetlitvenega modula sistema s strojnim vidom
ID Ferjan, Miha (Author), ID Tomaževič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6550E208E099ACE46E1CA73AD703D0D6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/16abb7eb-e1d3-46ce-ad7d-0dc17523f04c

Namen diplomskega dela je nadgradnja osvetlitvenega modula obstoječega sistema s strojnim vidom. Posodobljen osvetlitveni modul, ki ga sestavljata svetilo in krmilnik svetila, mora biti mehansko ter električno združljiv z obstoječim sistemom. Zaradi opuščanja proizvodnje trenutno uporabljenih svetlečih diod, ki generirajo svetlobo na svetilu, je treba svetleče diode zamenjati z novimi tipi svetlečih diod, ki so množično v uporabi. Z uvajanjem novih tipov svetlečih diod se kaže potreba po uvedbi sekundarnih in terciarnih optičnih elementov za vodenje in razprševanje svetlobe svetlečih diod. Posodobljen krmilnik svetil je nadgradnja trenutnega krmilnika z možnostjo uporabe z vsemi tipi zgoraj naštetimi svetlečimi diodami. Za namen analize svetil smo izdelali merilni sistem z uporabo barvne kamere, s katerim smo vrednotili prototipna svetila. Merilni sistem se z manjšimi posodobitvami lahko uporablja v proizvodnem procesu za zagotavljanje kakovosti izdelanih svetil pred integracijo v napravo. Svetilo smo preizkusili na obstoječem sistemu s strojnim vidom in rezultate primerjali s tistimi, pridobljenimi z merilnim sistemom. Na podlagi izvedenih meritev predlagamo in izdelamo osvetlitveni modul, ki bo nadomestil obstoječi osvetlitveni modul.

Keywords:strojni vid, svetilo, svetleče diode, krmiljenje svetil
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73458 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
FERJAN, Miha, 2015, Nadgradnja osvetlitvenega modula sistema s strojnim vidom [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Computer vision system illumination module upgrade
The aim of this thesis is an upgrade of the illumination module of the existing computer vision system. The upgraded illumination module, which consists of an illuminant and an illumination controller, must be mechanically and electrically compatible with the existing system. Because currently used LEDs are going out of production, LEDs should be replaced by new, more widely used types. With new types of LEDs, there is a need for implementation of secondary and tertiary optical elements in order to guide and diffuse the LED’s light. The upgrade of the illumination controller should enable the use of all the above-mentioned LEDs. For the purpose of illuminant analysis, we built a measuring system with a color camera to evaluate the prototype illuminants. With minor updates, the existing measuring system can be also used for quality control of the manufactured illuminants before integrating them into the computer vision system. Moreover, an illuminant was tested on the computer vision system and its results were compared with the results obtained by the measuring system. Based on the performed measurements, we propose to build a new illumination module which will replace the current one.

Keywords:machine vision, illumination, LED, illumination control

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