
Vloga muzeja pri spoznavanju kulturnozgodovinske dediščine Emone v petem razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Bizjak, Valentina (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pomembno povezavo z zgodovino in našo preteklostjo imajo muzeji. Ti hranijo in interpretirajo naravno in kulturno dediščino ter prispevajo k njenemu vrednotenju in razumevanju. Ob tem se mi postavlja vprašanje, kako učencem približati zgodovinska dejstva, oddaljena več kot 2000 let? Odgovor se skriva v pedagoških programih muzeja, ki otrokom približajo pomembna zgodovinska obdobja. Omenjeni programi omogočajo aktiven način učenja in izkustven ter doživljajski stik s kulturnozgodovinsko in materialno dediščino. Z magistrskim delom sem raziskovala pedagoško vlogo muzeja in izbranih pedagoških programov Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana pri spoznavanju kulturnozgodovinske dediščine Emone v petem razredu osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila osrednje pojme za samo razumevanje dela, kot so kulturnozgodovinska dediščina, muzej ter izobraževalna vloga muzeja. V nadaljevanju sledi pregled bogate zgodovine mesta Emona, predstavitev Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana in njegovih pedagoških programov za 5. razred. V didaktičnem delu sem pripravila pregled učnih ciljev in predlaganih vsebin iz učnega načrta družba za 5. razred osnovne šole ter jih povezala s pedagoškimi muzejskimi programi. Empirični del sem si zastavila v dveh delih. S prvim delom raziskave sem s pomočjo opazovalnih listov in anketnega vprašalnika za učence ovrednotila izbrane pedagoške programe muzeja pri spoznavanju kulturnozgodovinske dediščine Emone za učence 5. razreda, na ravni vodenja in na ravni aktivnosti učencev. Pogled z drugega zornega kota predstavlja intervju z muzejsko pedagoginjo. V drugem delu sem s pomočjo intervjujev na vseh treh ravneh učenja v muzeju, s strani učencev, učiteljice in kustosinje pedagoginje, pridobila mnenje o sodelovanju muzeja in šole na primeru projekta Muzej v malem.

Keywords:Emona, kulturnozgodovinska dediščina, Mestni muzej Ljubljana, pedagoške vsebine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[V. Bizjak]
Number of pages:95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73406 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10790729 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the museum in learning about cultural and historical heritage of Emona in the fifth grade of primary school
Museums have an important connection with history and with our past. They keep and help us interpret the natural and cultural heritage. They also contribute to the evaluation and understanding of the heritage. There is an open question, how can historical facts, which are located more than 2,000 years away move closer to young learners. The answer lies in the pedagogical programs of the museum. These programs allow active, empirical way of learning and experiential contact with cultural, historical and material heritage. Master’s thesis represents discussion of pedagogical role of the museum and chosen pedagogical programs of the City Museum of Ljubljana in learning about cultural and historical heritage of Emona in the fifth grade of primary school. In the theoretical part I present the main concepts for understanding my master thesis such as cultural and historical heritage, museum and educational role of the museum. What follows is an overview of the rich history of the city Emona, presentation of the City Museum of Ljubljana and its pedagogical programs for the fifth grade. In the didactic part, I prepared an overview of learning goals and suggested contents of the curriculum society for the fifth grade of primary school and I connected them with pedagogical programs of the museum. The research was carried out with a quantitative and qualitative research approach, in which I used a descriptive and non-experimental method. In the first part of the research, I evaluated chosen pedagogical programs of the museum with help of observational sheets, where I designed standards for guidance and level of activity of young learners, and a questionnaire for young learners in learning cultural and historical heritage of Emona for the fifth grade of primary school. Interview with the museum educator answers the question from a different point of view. In the second part of the research I gained, with the help of three different interviews, opinions about collaboration between museum and school in the project called Muzej v malem, from all three levels of learning in the museum, young learners’ opinions, museum educators’ opinion and teacher’s opinion.


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