
Vedenje učencev v različnih šolskih kontekstih : magistrsko delo
ID Poklukar, Mateja (Author), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3202/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu sem na osnovi opazovanja z udeležbo in beleženjem preučevala razlike v vedenju učencev med poukom, v času podaljšanega bivanja in na izletih. Pozornost je bila usmerjena na vedenje učencev razreda kot celote, odzive posameznih učencev v interakciji učiteljic z učenci in učencev med seboj. Zanimala so me vsa vedenja, še posebej izstopajoča, in takšna, ki so ovirala ali kako drugače negativno vplivala na komunikacijo, interakcijo in skupinsko dinamiko v opazovanem razredu. Pozorna sem bila tudi na načine vodenja in odzive učiteljic ter na odzive učencev nanje. V teoretičnem delu predstavim zakone, učne cilje in šolske kontekste, v katerih opišem potek pouka, razlike med poukom, šolskimi izleti v dopoldanskem času in podaljšanim bivanjem. Predstavim težave, s katerimi se srečuje razredna učiteljica med poukom in na izletih, težave, s katerimi se srečuje učiteljica podaljšanega bivanja, na koncu pa kontekste med seboj primerjam. Sledi poglavje o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na vedenje, v katerem bralcem skušam približati razumevanje vedenja učencev. Sledi predstavitev izstopajočega vedenja, ki ga zajemajo različne klasifikacije ter opišem razloge in dejavnike, ki vodijo do motečega vedenja. Teoretični del zaključim z opisom vrst vodenja razreda in discipline. V empiričnem delu predstavim raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla z opazovanjem drugega razreda osnovne šole. Opazovala sem vedenje učencev in njihove odzive na opozorila učiteljic, ki so se nanašala na njihovo izstopajoče vedenje. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci med poukom zelo nemirni in se hitro začnejo dolgočasiti. Pogosto klepetajo, ne upoštevajo pravil in odklanjajo šolsko delo. Povod za izstopajoče vedenje je poleg ostalih dejavnikov pogosto vpliv sošolcev, ko učenec želi pridobiti njihovo pozornost ali pa misli, da če nekdo drug lahko nekaj počne, lahko to počne tudi sam. Učiteljice največkrat poskušajo to vedenje ustaviti z opozorili in iskanjem vzrokov zanj. Učenci opozorila praviloma upoštevajo, vendar se kljub temu pogosto zgodi, da vedenje čez čas ponovijo. Največkrat se izstopajoča vedenja pojavijo drugo in četrto šolsko uro, najmanj pa prvo. Najmanj motečega vedenja je v času podaljšanega bivanja, največ pa med izleti. Opažanja primerjam s podatki pridobljenimi z intervjuji z obema učiteljicama in naključno izbranimi učenci. Od njih sem izvedela, da ne vedo točno, kdaj je njihovo vedenje neprimerno in katero vedenje učitelj sploh pričakuje od njih. Tako se vedejo zato, ker se dolgočasijo, ali pa s tem zabavajo sebe in druge.

Keywords:pouk, podaljšano bivanje, izleti, vodenje, izstopajoče vedenje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Poklukar]
Number of pages:119 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73270 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10777673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Students' behaviour in different school contexts
Based on participant observation and recording, my master's thesis studies differences in the behaviour of pupils during lessons, extended school days and school trips, respectively. The focus was on the behaviour of a class as a whole, individual pupils' responses, interaction between the teachers and the pupils, as well as among the pupils themselves. I was interested in all types of behaviour, particularly the outstanding ones and those that disrupted or had a negative effect on communication, interaction and group dynamics in the observed class. I also paid attention to the types of conducting the class, the teachers’ responses and the pupils' responses to her. The theoretical part presents the laws, school goals and school contexts, describing the course of lessons, differences between lessons, school trips in the morning and extended stay, respectively. Presented are the problems that the elementary school teacher encounters during lessons and trips, as well as the problems that the extended stay teacher is faced with, ending with a comparison between the contexts. This is followed by a chapter on understanding the behaviour and the factors that affect it. After I wrote about outstanding behaviour, where I presented a variety of classifications, reasons and factors, leading to disruptive behaviour. Lastly I described the types of classroom conduct and discipline. The empirical part presents a research that I carried out by observing the second class of elementary school. I observed the behaviour of pupils and their responses to the teachers' warnings, directed at their outstanding behaviour. I found out that pupils are very restless and they get bored soon. They often talk to each other, do not obey the rules and decline school work. Among other factors, such behaviour is often triggered by either other pupils, when a pupil would like to draw their attention, or when they think that they can do what others are doing. Teachers usually try to stop such behaviour with warnings and searching for reasons behind it. Pupils generally obey the warning, however, it often happens that they repeat the behaviour after a while. Most of the outstanding behaviour occurs during the second and fourth lessons, and least during the first lesson. The most of the disruptive behaviour occurs during trips and the least during extended stay. I compared my observations with the data sourced with interviews that I had conducted with both the teachers of the class, and some of the observed pupils. From their answers I found out that they don’t even know exactly when their behaviour is standing out and which behaviour is different from their expected behaviour by the teacher. They are acting like that because they are bored or they are entertaining themselves and schoolmates with it.


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