
Razvoj uporabniškega vmesnika za indukcijski grelec
ID ANTEŠIĆ, MARKO (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7B44FAA6E20E8FABFE8AC808868DA9A2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a02e4b93-db44-4d03-8141-e72af75ef18f

Pričujoče diplomsko delo predstavlja zasnovo in izdelavo uporabniškega vmesnika za nadzor industrijskih indukcijskih grelcev. Pri indukcijskem segrevanju je zelo pomemben nadzor nad močnostnim tokokrogom. Izdelani vmesnik omogoča dostop do vseh pomembnih parametrov za nastavitev regulacije moči na izhodu generatorja. Prav tako vmesnik uporabniku posreduje pomembne podatke o delovanju močnostnega nihajnega kroga, kot so napetost DC/DC-pretvornika, tok iz omrežja, tok iz DC/DC-pretvornika, razsmerjeni tok in doseg želenega kota. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na več delov. Najprej je opisano indukcijsko segrevanje, področja njegove uporabe, pojem resonančne frekvence in kako se jo izmeri. Sledi opis sedanjega načina regulacije, predlaganih izboljšav regulacije in zahtev novega uporabniškega vmesnika. V četrtem delu se nahaja opis izbire elementov in posameznih sklopov vezja ter risanje električne sheme, načrtovanje in izdelava tiskanega vezja. Sledi osnovni opis celotnega programa za uporabniški vmesnik s podrobnejšo predstavitvijo nekaterih zanimivejših delov programa. Na koncu je opis testiranja vezja in nekaj idej za izboljšanje vmesnika. Izdelani uporabniški vmesnik izpolnjuje vse zastavljene cilje in zadostuje potrebam za testiranje novega načina regulacije. Največje težave so se pokazale pri kakovosti in zanesljivosti zaslona. Vmesnik je zelo univerzalen in enostavno nadgradljiv z dodatnimi funkcijami, kar se je izkazalo za zelo uporabno med razvojem regulacije.

Keywords:mikrokrmilnik, grafični prikazovalnik, indukcijski grelec, resonančna frekvenca
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2015
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Title:Development of user interface for induction heater
The following thesis describes the design and construction of a microcontroller based user interface for use in industrial induction heaters. In the induction heating process, it is vital to have good control over the power electronics in the generator. Through the user interface the user has control over all the relevant parameters that control the oscillations in the work head. The user has also all the relevant data on display such as the DC/DC output voltage, the current being drawn from the electrical grid, the current being drawn on the output of the DC/DC converter, alternating current from the H-bridge and phase locked loop status. The thesis consists of multiple sections. The first section describes the process of induction heating, its usage in industry, fundamentals of resonant frequency and how it is measured. The following section describes the current regulation loop, suggested improvements on the regulation loop and the design goals for the new user interface. The fourth part describes the process of component selection and different parts of the circuit. There is also described the process of drawing the schematic and the design and manufacture of the printed circuit board. Next part contains a general description of the whole program, with a more in depth description of a couple more interesting parts of the program. In the last section, the testing and possible improvements are described. The user interface meets all the design criteria and has proven sufficient for further development of the new control system. The biggest problems, that have been encountered, have to do with the quality and the reliability of the display. The interface has great upgrade capability and can easily be modified and fitted with extra functionality, which has proven immensely useful during the development of the new regulation loop.

Keywords:microprocessor, graphical user interface, induction heating, resonant frequency

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