
Nagnjenost k tveganju in vpliv pozitivnega razpoloženja na tveganje pri turnih smučarjih : magistrsko delo
ID Štukelj, Tina (Author), ID Lamm, Claus (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Markič, Olga (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3144/ This link opens in a new window

Turna smuka je neločljivo povezana s tveganjem, zato se turnim smučarjem velikokrat pripisuje visoka nagnjenost k sprejemanju tveganih odločitev. K slednjemu pripomoreta tudi senzacionalno poročanje o nesrečah s smrtnimi izidi, pa tudi dvoumne izjave samih turnih smučarjev. Namen te raziskave je preveriti, če turni smučarji, v primerjavi s pripadniki športa z nizkim tveganjem, dejansko izkazujejo večjo stopnjo nagnjenosti k tveganim odločitvam, prav tako pa tudi ugotoviti kako na njihovo odločanje vpliva pozitivno razpoloženje. Z uporabo inštrumenta Columbia Card Task (CCT), ki omogoča ločevanje med različnimi stopnjami vpletenosti čustvenega in razumskega tveganja, smo primerjali nagnjenost k tveganju med 20 turnimi smučarji in 20 odbojkaši, kot predstavniki športa z nizko stopnjo tveganja. V primeru razumskega odločanja so turni smučarji izkazovali višjo stopnjo nagnjenosti k sprejemanju tveganih odločitev, pri čemer se je ta razlika začela zmanjševati, ko so bili v sam postopek odločanja vpleteni tudi čustveni procesi. Medtem, ko so se turni smučarji izrazito bolj zanašali na lastne sposobnosti in interni lokus ter izkazali precej bolj stabilen in nadzorovan način odločanja, so se odbojkaši opirali bolj na srečo in pripisovali večji pomen zunanjim dejavnikom. V nadaljevanju smo s pomočjo vinjet in video posnetka, katerega namen je bil vzpostavitev pozitivnega razpoloženja, želeli preveriti, kako stabilno je odločanje turnih smučarjev. Rezultati eksperimenta so pokazali, da pozitivno razpoloženje vodi do zmanjšanega zaznavanja tveganja in večje naklonjenost k sprejemanju tveganih odločitev, pri čemer so turni smučarji z najdaljšim stažem izkazovali najvišjo stopnjo stabilnosti odločanja. Slednje in pa tudi naravo nekaterih alpinističnih nesreč smo pojasnili s pomočjo modela naturalističnega odločanja, ki se opira na primerjavo situacije z že doživetimi in prepoznanimi podobnimi dogodki (Recognition-Primed Decision Making model - RPDM), s pomočjo informativnega pristopa razlage vpliva čustev na odločanje ter z usklajenostjo med razpoloženjem in načinom odločanja. Prepoznavanje čustvenih stanj in njihova regulacija bi morali postati pomemben del izobraževanja na področju varne turne smuke.

Keywords:premišljeno odločanje, čustveno odločanje, zaznavanje tveganja
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:T. Štukelj]
Number of pages:VI, 98 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73077 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10743369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Risk-taking propensity and the effect of positive mood on risk taking behavior of ski-mountaineers
Inseparability of risk-taking and ski-mountaineering, sensational reporting on fatal consequences of bad decisions, and ambiguous statements by ski-mountaineers are just a few reasons why ski-mountaineers are often labelled as risk-takers. The aim of this study was, first, to investigate if ski-mountaineers really show higher risk-taking tendencies, compared to a matched group of participants involved in a low-risk sport (volleyball), and, secondly, to see how responsive they are to emotional distractors, more precisely to experimentally induced positive affect. In a first experiment, risk taking in 20 ski-mountaineers and 20 volleyball players was assessed with the Columbia Card Task, which enabled a differentiation between affective and deliberative processes during risky decision making. The results showed increased risk-taking tendencies in ski-mountaineers in the case of deliberative risky decision-making, with this difference vanishing when adding affect-charged information. Ski-mountaineers showed a higher reliance on their own capabilities and a more internal locus of control, and more controlled and stable pattern of risky decision making, while volleyball players relied much more on external factors and luck. In a second experiment, the stability of ski-mountaineers’ risky decision making was tested using ski-mountaineering vignettes varied for avalanche danger, before and after a positive mood induction procedure. The results of this experiment showed that positive mood resulted in decreased risk assessment and increased risk-taking tendency. Moreover, the most stable risky decision making has been found with those ski-mountaineers who had practiced ski-mountaineering for a long time. The latter finding and the nature of certain mountaineering accidents was explained with reference to the Recognition-Primed Decision Making model (RPDM), and the combination of the informational approach, and congruency between mood and decision making strategy. To conclude, the results of our study indicate the topic of emotion awareness and emotion regulation should become an important element of education on safe ski-mountaineering.


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