
Izdelave elaborata za vpis širokopasovnega omrežja elektronskih komunikacij v občini Krško v ZK GJI : diplomska naloga
ID Kozole, Maja (Author), ID Koler, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 76B87D4A2663165036548F87417166C0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a335ab7e-7e11-4d36-9774-9c58728635dd

V diplomski nalogi so opisani posamezni koraki izdelave elaborata za vpis širokopasovnega omrežja elektronskih komunikacij v ZK GJI na območju občine Krško. V nalogi so najprej predstavljeni zakonski predpisi, na osnovi katerih se evidentirajo podatki v ZK GJI. Potem sledi opis načina zajemanja objektov in omrežij elektronskih komunikacij, priporočena lokacijska natančnost ter metode izmere (klasične in GNSS metode izmere). V nadaljevanju sledi opis uporabljenega instrumentarija pri izmeri, opis programske opreme ter način obdelave podatkov ter vpis v ZK s pomočjo programskega modula Infra 2. Na koncu diplomske naloge je predstavljena vsebina elaborata za vpis v ZK GJI in potrebni dokumenti za posredovanje zajetih podatkov na Geodetsko upravo republike Slovenija.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, GIG, zakonske podlage za vpis, metoda izmere, obdelava podatkov, vsebina elaborata za vpis objektov v ZK GJI
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kozole]
Number of pages:XII, 28 str., 6 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72806 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7185761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Writing a detailed expert report to enter the broadband network of electronic communications in the municipality of Krško into ZK GJI
The thesis describes the individual steps of writing a detailed expert report to enter the broadband network of electronic communications in the municipality of Krško into ZK GJI. It begins by presenting the legal regulations covering the recording of data into ZK GJI. That is followed by a decription of the manner of recording buildings and networks of electronic communications, the recommended location accuracy and the methods of measurement (classic and GNSS methods of measurement). That is followed by a description of used measuring apparatus, the actual software used and the ways of processing the data and entry into ZK using the programme module Infra 2. The thesis concludes with a presentation of the contents of the detailed expert report for entry into ZK GJI and of the documents neccessary to forward the captured data to the Surverying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia.

Keywords:legal bases for entry, method of measurement, data processing, contents of the detailed expert report to enter buildings in ZK GJI, documents of entry in ZK GJI Abstract

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