
Pristopi k projektiranju skoraj 0-energijske hiše : diplomska naloga
ID Puntarić, Luka (Author), ID Kunič, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kristl, Živa (Comentor)

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MD5: 857D6E3E9B633FCF15DDA4687D499BE4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/069fd179-f698-4321-8853-a1280b537d9a

V okviru svoje diplomske naloge sem najprej predstavil teoretično ozadje energijske učinkovitosti stavb in ukrepe s katerimi jo lahko dosegamo v skladu za to predvidenimi pravilniki in zakonodajo. Za tem sem teoretično podlago podkrepil še z analizo, ki sem jo izvedel s pomočjo programskega orodja TEDI in TOST, v katerih sem obravnaval referenčni objekt enostanovanjske hiše v Logatcu. V programu TEDI sem s pomočjo podane PGD dokumentacije izvedel analizo toplotnega prehoda konstrukcijskih sklopov stavbnega ovoja. Vrednosti niso dosegale trenutno veljavnih predpisov, saj je bil objekt zgrajen še po prejšnjih standardih v letu 2008, ki so bili veliko milejši od zahtev novejšega Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah PURES 2010. Primoran sem bil uporabiti ustrezne pristope, s katerimi sem znižal prehodnost toplote skozi ovoj stavbe. Zahteve se bodo do 31.12.2020 še dodatno zaostrile, saj bojo morale vse na novo zgrajene stavbe do omenjenega datuma izpolnjevati karakteristike skoraj 0-energijske hiše. Poleg tega pa nam program TOST omogoča izračun energetske bilance stavbe in izračun toplotnih izgub in toplotnih dobitkov, ki so povezani s samo lokacijo objekta, sestavo le-tega in načinov zagotavljanja tople vode, ogrevanja in ohlajevanja. Objekt sem zaradi višje merodajnosti rezultatov lociral na tri različna klimatska področja v Sloveniji, in sicer na območje osrednje regije - Logatec, obalne regije - Portorož in območje izrazitega gorskega podnebja - Rateče. Rezultati so se pričakovano razlikovali glede na lokacijo, kjer je objekt postavljen. Skozi delo sem prikazal vsebino celotnega izračuna in na osnovi končnih rezultatov prišel do zaključkov, ki sem jih tudi jasno interpretiral.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, skoraj 0-energijska hiša, energetska učinkovitost stavb, PURES 2010, tehnična smernica za graditev TSG-1-004:2010
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Puntarić]
Number of pages:XII, 39 str., 9 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72750 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7249249 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The approaches to the design of nearly zero-energy house
In the course of this thesis, I first presented the theoretical background of the energy performance of buildings and ways to enable it in accordance with the envisaged policies and legislation. For this I have a theoretical basis to substantiate the analysis that I have carried out with help of software tools TEDI and TOST, in which I discussed about dwelling houses in Logatec. I'm using the program TEDI for analysis of the thermal transmittance of building envelope construction kits. The values did not reach the current regulations, the facility has been built under previous standards in 2008, which were much more lenient than requirements above PURES 2010. I was forced to apply appropriate approaches, with whom I fell transition heat through the building envelope. The requirements will be up to 31.12.2020 still further aggravated because all newly constructed buildings will have to meet the characteristics of almost 0-energy houses. In addition, the program TOST allows the calculation of the energy balance of the building and calculation of heat loss and heat gains that are associated with the location of the facility, the composition thereof, and methods of providing hot water, heating and cooling. I object because of higher authoritative results locate three different climate areas in Slovenia; Logatec, Portorož and Rateče. Results are expected to vary depending on the location where the object is placed. Through work I show the entire contents of calculation and based on the final results came to the conclusion that I have clearly interpreted.

Keywords:civil engineering, graduation thesis, almost 0-energy house, energy efficiency of buildings, PURES 2010, technical guidance TSG-1-004:2010

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