
Ustvarjalno eksperimentiranje z likovnimi materiali pri likovnem pouku : diplomsko delo
ID Bajc, Karin (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Ustvarjalno eksperimentiranje z likovnimi materiali pri likovnem pouku« sem razdelila na dva dela, in sicer teoretični ter empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskala pojem ustvarjalnost, kaj to je, kako spodbujamo ustvarjalnost v šolah, kakšne so faze ustvarjalnega mišljenja. Posebno pozornost sem namenila tudi ustvarjalnosti na likovnem področju, podrobneje sem opisala oblikovalna področja, kot so risanje, slikanje, kiparstvo, grafika in arhitektura. Ker lahko ustvarjalnost na likovnem področju pri otroku krepimo tudi s pomočjo uporabe različnih materialov, sem jih v diplomski nalogi tudi raziskala. Razdelila sem jih na naravne, umetne, predstavila sem odpadne materiale ter jih tudi opisala. S pomočjo eksperimentiranja, preizkušanja novih, drugačnih tehnik in materialov lahko likovni pedagogi spodbujajo vedoželjnost ter krepijo likovni izraz učencev. Iz tega razloga sem v svoji diplomski nalogi predstavila primere eksperimentov, ki jih lahko uporabimo za izvedbo likovne naloge pri likovnem pouku. Empirični del temelji na anketiranju učiteljev likovnega pouka. Raziskovalna vprašanja sem usmerila predvsem na uporabo likovnih materialov pri likovnem pouku, kakšne so morebitne težave ali prednosti pri uporabi teh ter kdo v šolstvu določa uporabo in nabavo materialov.

Keywords:likovna ustvarjalnost, likovni materiali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Bajc]
Number of pages:49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72692 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10715721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Creative experimentation with art materials in art class
I have divided the graduation thesis titled Creative Experimentation with Art Materials in Art Class into two parts, namely theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, I have researched the term creativity: what is that, how do we encourage creativity in schools, what are the phases of creative thinking. A special attention was paid to the creativity in the field of art; I have described design fields such as drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, and architecture in detail. In the thesis, I have also researched the use of different materials, since child's creativity in the field of art can be strengthen by using them. I have divided the materials into natural and artificial, and presented waste materials, which I have also described. Art teachers can encourage curiosity and strengthen artistic expression of pupils through experimenting, testing new and different techniques and materials. For this reason, I have presented examples of experiments that can be used to perform art task in art class. The empirical part is based on the questionnaire distributed among art class teachers. The research questions particularly focused on the use of art materials in art class, possible problems or advantages of using the materials, and who in the school system determines the use and purchase of the materials.


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