
Možnosti uporabe elektroforeze DNA pri pouku v osnovni šoli : diplomsko delo
ID Klenar, Tadeja (Author), ID Devetak, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slapničar, Miha (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/3066 This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo zajema obravnavo različnih strokovnih člankov, druge literature in učnih načrtov, na podlagi katerih smo razvili in optimizirali izvedbo eksperimentov, ki jih uporabljajo v forenzičnih laboratorijih za razreševanje umorov in kaznivih dejanj. Gre za postopek določevanja DNA profila. Predstavljeni analogni eksperimenti so primerni za uporabo pri pouku v osnovni šoli. Elektroforeza DNA je metoda določevanja očetovstva, sorodstvenih vezi in storilcev kriminalnih dejanj. Gre za postopek, ki je v forenzični znanosti nepogrešljiv. Za učence predstavlja spoznavanje takega postopka nekaj zanimivega in praktično uporabnega, kar poveča njihovo motivacijo za učenje kemije in naravoslovja. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljena teoretična ozadja za razumevanje poteka elektroforeze kot metode ločevanja zmesi. Opisane so osnovne informacije o molekuli DNA, njeni izolaciji ter pripravi vzorca za izvedbo elektroforeze. Predstavljeni so načini barvanja za detekcije elektroforetskih lis. Na podlagi preučene literature so bili razviti eksperimenti za izvedbo elektroforeze kot metode ločevanja zmesi, primerni za uporabo pri pouku v osnovni šoli: izolacija DNA iz rastlinskega vira, elektroforeza z barvili iz flomastrov in barvili za živila ter elektroforeza aminokislin. Izdelana je bila aparatura za elektroforezo, ki bi učencem omogočila čim bolj nazoren vpogled na to, kako se postopek elektroforeze dejansko izvaja. Analizirani so bili učni načrti za predmete naravoslovja, na podlagi česar smo tabelirali predloge vključevanja elektroforeze kot metode ločevanja zmesi v pouk osnovne šole.

Keywords:forenzična znanost, ločevanje zmesi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Klenar]
Number of pages:IV, 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72683 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10713161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The possibility of applying DNA electrophoresis in primary school
The thesis covers the treatment of a variety of scientific papers, other literature and curricula on the basis of which we have developed and optimized the experiments, which are used in forensic laboratories to solve murder cases and other criminal acts. This is a procedure of determination of the DNA profile. The presented analogue experiments are appropriate for the primary school teaching. The DNA electrophoresis is a method of paternity, kinship and the perpetrators of crime determination. It is an indispensable procedure in forensic science. For students, the comprehension of such a procedure is practically useful, increasing their motivation to study chemistry and science. In the theoretical part, the theoretical background for understanding the electrophoresis as a method of mixture separation is described. The basics of the DNA molecule, its isolation and sample preparation are described as well. The methods of painting for the electrophoretic spots detection are also presented. On the basis of the studied literature, experiments were developed to carry out the electrophoresis as a method of mixture separation, appropriate for the primary school teaching: isolation of the DNA from plant sources, electrophoresis with dyes from markers, dyes for foods and amino acids electrophoresis. A special apparatus for electrophoresis was developed to allow the students a good insight into the actual execution of the procedure. The curriculums for science classes were analyzed, based on which we have made suggestions on inclusion of electrophoresis as a mixture separation method into the primary school teaching.

Keywords:forensic science

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