
Zverjasec : razlike v doživljanju zgodbe ob knjigi in animiranem filmu
ID Volčini, Anja (Author), ID Batistič-Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/3061 This link opens in a new window

Pojav množičnih medijev je v svet prinesel spremembe in nova spoznanja. V zadnjih letih se je potrošniška družba razmahnila in veliko posameznikov se ujame v mrežo virtualnih svetov, ki nam jih predstavljajo mediji. Da bi se izognili manipulaciji, je potrebno, da posameznik že v zgodnjem otroštvu razvije distanco in kritičnost do medijske vsebine. Diplomsko delo z naslovom Zverjasec – razlike v doživljanju zgodbe ob knjigi in animiranem filmu temelji na uporabi dveh medijev, in sicer tiska in televizije. V teoretičnem delu izhajam iz Kurikula za vrtce, ki je strokovna osnova za delo v vrtcu. Osredinila sem se na področje jezika in umetnosti, kamor uvrščamo seznanjanje otrok s knjigo in vključevanje animiranega filma v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila značilnosti, razvojne mejnike in vlogo odraslih pri razvoju govora in čustev predšolskih otrok. Nato sem se posvetila značilnostim tiska, pri čemer sem poudarila knjigo kot pomemben del zgodnje pismenosti v vrtcu. Otroci se s filmsko umetnostjo spoznajo prek animiranega filma. Pozornost sem posvetila tudi temu in opozorila na pomembnost načrtnega vključevanja avdiovizualnih vsebin v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila izsledke raziskave, pri kateri sem kot izhodiščno sredstvo uporabila literarno delo in animirani film z naslovom Zverjasec. Z intervjuvanjem otrok in opazovanjem njihove simbolne igre z lutkami sem želela ugotoviti razlike v doživljanju zgodbe, ki jo odrasla oseba posreduje prek dveh medijev. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali se razlike v (po)doživljanju zgodbe, ki jo odrasli posreduje prek knjige ali animiranega filma, opazijo v otrokovi simbolni igri z lutkami.

Keywords:kurikulum, vrtec, govorni razvoj, čustveni razvoj, simbolna igra
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Volčini]
Number of pages:V f., 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72676 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10710345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The Gruffalo – differences in experiencing story in the book and the animation movie
The emergence of mass media brought the changes and new view to the world. In last couple of years the consumer society has swung and a lot of individuals fall into one's of many virtual worlds which are presented by mass media. To avoid the manipulation is necessary to develop distance and critical attitude to mass media in early childhood. The thesis titled The Gruffalo – differences in experiencing story in the book and the animation movie is based on using two media, press and television. In theoretical part I came out from Preschool curriculum, which is technical base for work in it. I gave attention to field of language and art, where we count informing children with the book and animation movie in educational process. In continue I introduce features, developmental milestones and role of adults in language development and emotional development of preschool children. Than I dawn on features of press, in which I exposed the book as important part of early literacy in kindergarten. Children learn about film art through animation movie. I gave attention to this and I warn on importance of intentional including audiovisual contents in educational work in kindergarten. In empirical part I introduce results of research, where my starting point was literary work and animation movie named Gruffalo. With conduct the interviews and watching the symbolic play of children with puppets, I want to find out the differences in experiencing story, passed by adult with two mediums. I was also interested if differences of experiencing the story are noticeable in child's symbolic play with puppets.

Keywords:Preschool curriculum

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