
Internet kot razstavni prostor : diplomsko delo
ID Kralj, Dejan (Author), ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Comentor)

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V modernizmu se je uveljavil model umetniških galerij, ki še danes velja za nekakšen standard galerijskega prostora. Tako imenovani ''white cube'' ali bela kocka je hermetičen prostor, ki ponuja umetnost na ogled, hkrati pa jo varuje pred vsakršnimi socialnimi ali kontekstualnimi umestitvami. Pa jo res? Internetna revolucija nas je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih zvabila ali pa prisilila v gibanje po virtualnem prostoru. Umetniki so v tem novo odkritem svetu hitro našli svoj prostor. Interneta ne uporabljajo le za razstavljanje svojega dela, temveč je nekaterim postal ustvarjalni medij in raziskovalna snov. V svoji diplomski nalogi bom predstavil internet kot pripomoček, umetniški medij in razstavni prostor, kot ga poznamo danes. V avtorskem delu sem postavil svojo internetno razstavo, opisal proces njene postavitve in napisal ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišel s pomočjo beleženja obiska. V pedagoškem delu sem razmišljal, kako bi spletno razstavljanje lahko vpeli v pedagoški proces.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[D. Kralj]
Number of pages:III, 62 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72656 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10703177 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Title:Internet as exhibition space
The model of art galleries that was established already in modernism, still sets a certain standard for the exhibition areas. The so-called “white cube” is a hermetic space that allows the art to be seen and at the same time be protected from any social or contextual inputs. But does it really? In the last two decades, the internet revolution has lured us into exploring the virtual space. In this newly discovered world, many artists have found their own space for creation. They use the internet not only as a means of exhibiting their works of art, but also as a creative medium or a subject of exploration. In my thesis I presented the internet as an accessory, a medium of art and as an exhibition space – like we know it today. In my work, I included my virtual exhibition, described the process of setting it up and wrote down my findings based on the statistics of views. In the pedagogical part I dealt with the question of how to involve the online exhibitions into the educational program.


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