
Model zgoščevanja omrežja gozdnih cest v večnamenskem gozdu : doktorska disertacija
ID Hribernik, Boštjan (Author), ID Potočnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8F13880DB7F6D4562E5C80D70841BB73
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/08399791-8b41-4f4d-af1e-090519aae8b1

Odpiranje gozdov z gozdnimi cestami je bilo v preteklosti načrtovano samo na podlagi lesnoproizvodne vloge gozda. S spoznavanjem pomena ostalih vlog gozda je prihajalo do njihovega postopnega vključevanja v postopke načrtovanja odpiranja gozdov. Sodoben pristop k načrtovanju odpiranja gozdov zahteva hkratno obravnavanje vseh vlog gozda. Zgoščevanje omrežja gozdnih cest je ekonomsko utemeljeno z gostoto gozdnih cest, kjer nastopajo najmanjši skupni stroški spravila in prevoza. V območju raziskovanja, ki ga kot geografsko zaokrožena celota predstavlja občina Črna na Koroškem, znaša pri danih pogojih ekonomsko utemeljena gostota gozdnih cest 17.42 m/ha. Na tej osnovi so določena nezadostno odprta območja izven širine pasu 574 m, ki ga posamezna cesta odpira. Pri načrtovanju odpiranja nezadostno odprtih območij se upoštevajo terenske značilnosti in zahtevane tehnične karakteristike načrtovanih gozdnih cest. Ekonomska utemeljitev gradnje posamezne načrtovane gozdne ceste temelji na večjem zmanjšanju stroškov spravila lesa kot je povečanje letnih stroškov vzdrževanja gozdnih cest in stroškov zaradi trajne izgube rastne površine. Hkratno vrednotenje vseh vlog gozda je v raziskavi narejeno z določanjem relativnega pomena posamezne vloge gozda na podlagi večkriterijskega odločanja, ki določa težo posameznega dejavnika po metodi parov. Na osnovi standardiziranih vrednosti vlog gozda in njihovih izračunanihuteži je izdelana karta primernosti ureditvenih enot za gradnjo gozdnih cest. Primernost posameznih ekonomsko utemeljenih načrtovanih tras gozdnih cest je z vidika posameznih vlog gozda različna. To je prikazano s študijem primera in predstavlja kakovost novega pristopa pri načrtovanju odpiranja gozdov.

Keywords:gozdne ceste, zgoščevanje omrežja, večnamenska vloga gozda, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, gozdarstvo, disertacije
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Hribernik]
Number of pages:XII, 177 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72532 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:787319 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
HRIBERNIK, Boštjan, 2013, Model zgoščevanja omrežja gozdnih cest v večnamenskem gozdu : doktorska disertacija [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana : B. Hribernik. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The model of forest road network enlargement in multipurpose forest
In the past forest opening with forest roads was planned only on the basis of forest wood production role. Discovering the importance of other forest roles led to their gradual integration when planning procedures for opening forests.A modern approach to planning the opening of forests requires a simultaneous treatment of all forest roles. Expansion of forest road network is economically founded by the density of the forest roads by which the smallest total cost of skidding and transporting occurs. The economically founded density of forest roads in the researched area, which geographically represents the whole municipality of Črna na Koroškem, by the given conditions amounts to 17.42 m/ha. On this basis there are defined insufficiently opened areas outside the bandwidth of the 574 m, opened by eachroad. When planning the opening of insufficiently opened areas the terrain features and the technical characteristics of the planned forest roads are taken into account. The economical argumentation of the planned forest road construction is based on a bigger reduction of wood skidding costs as is the increase of annual maintenance cost of the forest roads and costs of the permanent loss of the growing area. In the survey simultaneous evaluation of all forest roles is done by the determination of the relative importance of individual forest role. It is based on the multi criterion decision making, which determines the weight of each factor by the method of couples. On the basis of standardized values of forest roles and their calculated weights a suitability map of adequacy of regulatory units for the forest roads construction was designed. The suitability of individual economically founded planned routes of forest roads is different from the aspect of individual forest roles. This is shown in the case study and represents a new quality approach in planning the opening of forests.

Keywords:forest roads, forest road network, forest road density, multiple forest use, forest management, forestry

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