
Proceduralno generiranje terena s Perlinovim šumom : diplomsko delo
ID Gabrovšek, Peter (Author), ID Divjak, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marolt, Matija (Comentor)

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MD5: F6A2CB1FC853C8EE5A71CEBC00B39D21
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4461450d-5c82-422d-ba89-f5cd561d3dbe

V okviru diplomskega dela smo ustvarili odprtokodno programsko knjižnico, ki nam omogoča proceduralno generiranje tekstur in terena. V zadnjem času opažamo skokovit razvoj in širitev obravnavanega področja. Predstavili smo principe in orodja, ki jih potrebujemo za implementacijo takega terena. Potrebujemo tako matematične pristope, kot je uporaba vektorskih in skalarnih polj ter njihovih odvodov, kot tudi nizkonivojsko uporabo grafičnih kartic, na katerih je izvajanje našega programa in grafike na sploh zaradi svojih lastnosti najbolj optimalno. Predstavili smo tudi pozitivne in negativne lastnosti takega pristopa generiranja terena, kjer smo spoznali, da več kot očitno prevladujejo pozitivne lastnosti. Opisali smo rešitve za težave, ki se nam pojavljajo pri tovrstnem izdelovanju iger in aplikacij za vizualne predstavitve okolice ter ponudili rešitve za lažje soočanje s temi težavami. V programski knjižnici, ki je rezultat tega diplomskega dela, smo se osredotočili na proceduralno generiranje tekstur in terena z uporabo nekaterih orodij in tehnik predvsem pa z implementacijo različnih tipov šumov. Končni izdelek se zdi privlačen in predstavlja neko zaključeno celoto in je uporaben, dopušča pa številne možnosti nadaljnega razvoja.

Keywords:proceduralno generiranje terena, Perlin, šum, igre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[P. Gabrovšek]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72477 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536598979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2015
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Title:Procedural terrain generation with Perlin noise
Within this thesis we have created open source software library which enables procedural terrain generation. In recent times, one can observe fast expansion of the field which is a subject of this thesis. We have presented principles and tools needed for implementation of procedurally generated terrain. Mathematical approaches, such as usage of vector and scalar fields and their derivatives, are also needed. The same goes for low-level usage of graphic cards for executing our program. Due to its characteristics, such approach gives optimal results. We presented both, positive and negative properties of procedurally generated terrain and came to a conclusion that the positive properties are prevailing in most cases. We described problems and their solutions that that can be encountered during the process of making games and applications for visual presentations of region. In the software library, which is the result of this thesis, we focused on procedurally generated textures and terrain by implementing certain tools and techniques. Different kinds of noises were mostly used. The work was quite complex, but the end results seems to be quite attractive and represents a product which can be used in practice but also leaves a space for further development.

Keywords:procedural terrain generation, Perlin, noise, games

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