
Nadzor in upravljanje naprav v internetu stvari
ID OKLEŠČEN, NEJC (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B3A84507DF15D1DE9C5C8E6EA2BC16A9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1d96ac0f-e06e-41f4-b885-71ecfa448e18

Diplomsko delo predstavlja internet stvari (angl. Internet of Things oz. IoT), nadzor in upravljanje naprav v njem in avtorjev praktični izdelek o tem. V uvodnem poglavju diplomskega dela so našteti in opisani razlogi, ki so vodili k nastajanju interneta stvari. Nato sledi poglavje, ki podrobneje opisuje internet stvari, njegove gradnike, njegovo zgodovino in platforme v internetu stvari. Te pa je avtor še nadaljnje razdelil v tri kategorije, in sicer na: platforme, ki omogočajo upravljanje s podatki; platforme, ki so namenjene nadzoru in upravljanju z napravami; ter na platforme, ki omogočajo tako upravljanje s podatki kakor tudi nadzor naprav in njihovo upravljanje. V nadaljevanju je opisano, kaj je nadzor in upravljanje naprav in kakšne so njune funkcije. Opisani so protokoli in nekaj že obstoječih platform, ki se uporabljajo pri nadzoru in upravljanju ter tradicionalne IT-sisteme (ki niso IoT-sistemi), za lažji pregled, kaj je pri IoT-ju drugačnega. Avtor je opisal tudi nekaj že obstoječih platform, ki se uporabljajo pri nadziranju in upravljanju naprav IoT-ja. Zadnje poglavje je predstavitev avtorjevega praktičnega izdelka, ki omogoča komunikacijo med strežnikom in uporabnikom, in sicer prek SMS-sporočil. To poglavje vsebuje avtorjev namen in potek izdelovanja ter katera orodja je pri tem uporabil. Izdelek predstavlja prototipno platformo za nadziranje naprav v IoT-ju. To platformo sestavljajo tri različne spletne storitve in u-blox-ov modul C027, ki je namenjen razvijanju aplikacij IoT-ja.

Keywords:Internet stvari, nadzor in upravljanje naprav, protokoli v internetu stvari, platorme, modul C027.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Device management in Internet of things
The diploma thesis presents the Internet of Things (IoT), supervision and management of devices in IoT, and my practical work, which represents a fault detection platform. The introductory chapter presents how IoT emerged from the Internet. Next chapter contains a more detailed description of what IoT is, what makes IoT IoT and the evolution of IoT from the beginning, and platforms used in IoT. The author divided IoT platforms into three categories: platforms for managing data, platforms for device supervision and management, and platforms that allow management with data and supervision and management of devices. The third chapter describes what are supervision and management of devices in IoT, what are the functions of supervision and management, protocols that are used, and a short description of traditional non-IoT (IT) system, for a better understanding of what is different in IoT. The author also describes some of the existing platforms that are used for supervision and management of devices in IoT. The last chapter is a presentation of author’s practical work. His practical work enables communication between the server and the user through text-messages. In this chapter he describes what the purpose of his practical work is, which tools he used, and how he achieved the end result. The end result of author’s practical work represents a prototype IoT platform, which enables supervision of devices in IoT. This platform consists of three different web services and the u-blox module C027, which is used for developing IoT applications.

Keywords:Internet of Things, supervision and management of devices, protocols used in IoT, platforms, module C027.

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