
Žično zastiranje električnega in magnetnega polja
ID GORIŠEK, ROMAN (Author), ID Sinigoj, Anton Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7B3DAFF0034D3FB97E6FCFA728B48355
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e1a26edc-58a7-4ce4-af14-f2aa6ffc0753

Naloga obravnava problematiko zastiranja oziroma zmanjševanja motečega električnega in magnetnega polja v določenem prostoru. V ta namen smo uporabili žično strukturo. Pri električnem polju se del električnega pretoka motečega polja zaključi na žicah in le manjši del vstopa v prostor zastiranja. Podobno vlogo odigra struktura pri zastiranju motečega magnetnega polja. V strukturi se inducirajo tokovi, katerih magnetno polje oslabi moteče polje pod strukturo. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili fizikalno-matematični model odzivanja žične strukture. Izpeljali smo potrebne enačbe, ki nam omogočajo izračun influiranih nabojev na strukturi in določitev novega električnega polja pod strukturo. V nadaljevanju smo izpeljali še potreben sistem enačb za izračun induciranih tokov v strukturi in opredelili postopek za izračun novega magnetnega polja pod strukturo. Učinek zastiranja obeh polj smo vrednotili s faktorjem zastiranja – z razmerjem med motečim in novim poljem. Na podlagi tega je bila napisana koda v programu Mathematica. Temu sledijo numerični zgledi. Analizirali smo učinke žične rešetke glede na geometrijo, frekvenco in snovne parametre. Rezultate smo predstavili v tabelah in diagramih. Izkazalo se je, da je rešetka precej učinkovitejša za električno kot za magnetno polje. Razlog je v Faradayevi indukciji, ki pride do veljave šele pri višjih frekvencah.

Keywords:zastiranje, električno polje, magnetno polje, faktor zastiranja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72415 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2015
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Title:Shielding of electric and magnetic field with a systems of wires
The project deals with the problem of shielding and reducing the disruptive electric and magnetic field in a given area. For this purpose, we used a wire structure. At electric field, the part of electric flux of disruptive field ends on wires, and only the small part of it enters in the shielding area. Similar role is played by the structure at shielding disruptive magnetic field. In the structure of induced currents, the magnetic field weakens the disruptive field under the structure. In the theoretical part, we have presented the physico-mathematical model of the response of wire structure. We have derived the necessary equations, which allow us to calculate the influx of charge on a structure, and define the new electrical field under the structure. In addition, we have derived necessary system of equations to calculate the induced currents in the structure and define the procedure for the calculation of new magnetic field under the structure. The effect of shielding two fields, was defined by the screening factor – with the ratio between disruptive and new field. According to that, the code in program Mathematica was written. This is followed by the numerical examples. We analyzed the effect on the wire lattice based on geometry, frequency and material parameters. The results were presented in tables and diagrams. It has been shown that the lattice is much more effective for the electrical, than for magnetic field. The reason is in the Faraday induction, which becomes effective at the higher frequencies.

Keywords:shielding, electrical field, magnetic field, shielding factor

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