
Analiza karakteristik CRM za kmetije : diplomsko delo
ID Batič, Matej (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9fc71f31-b5d2-4b37-a19f-6543975b0fce

Kmetijstvo je še vedno pomembna panoga, močno povezana s tehnološkim razvojem. V kmetijstvu se uporabljajo številni informacijski sistemi, brez katerih si modernega kmetijstva sploh ne moremo predstavljati. Tudi informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije so tu našle svojo pomembno vlogo. Predstavljajo neprecenljivo pomoč kmetom, nudijo hiter dostop do informacij in izmenjave mnenj. Trg je tudi za kmete postal neizprosen, zato je nujno, da so kmetije konkurenčne ostalim. Pomaga jim lahko vpeljava sistema za upravljanje odnosov s strankami, ki omogoča boljše, enostavnejše in preglednejše delo z vsemi strankami, zbira njihove podatke in jih analizira. Stranke, s katerimi sodeluje kmetija, so številne, zato je potrebno procese, ki so povezani z njimi čim bolj poenotiti in poenostaviti. Koristi, ki jih CRM nudi kmetiji so številne, zato je to tehnologija, ki jo uporablja čedalje več kmetij.

Keywords:IS, CRM, kmetijstvo, analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[M. Batič]
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72382 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536514755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of CRM for farms
Farming is still an important branch, heavily interlinked with technological development. There are many information systems used in farming, without which we can not imagine modern farming. Information and communication technologies have found an important part in it. They represent invaluable help for farmers, they offer quick access to information and opinion exchange. Market has become ruthless for farmers, so it is very important that the farms are competitive to others. They can benefit from implementing system of customer relationship management, which allows better, easier and more transparent work with all customer, it collects customers' data and it analyses it. Customers, with whom farm is doing business, are numerous, so it is necessary to unify and simplify related processes. Advantages provided by CRM for farm are many, making these field interesting for many farms to use.

Keywords:IS, CRM, farming, analysis

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