
Kazalec ustreznosti napetostnega profila elektroenergetskega prenosnega omrežja
ID CUDERMAN, KLEMEN (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AAC5C8E47508874C11297AC96F088619
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9b91b67a-352e-45d3-b6c7-c46c1ea130b0

V slovenskem prenosnem EEO občasno pride do odstopanja višine napetosti od dovoljenih vrednosti. Naloga diplomskega dela je bila izdelava orodja s pomočjo katerega bi spremljali kazalec uspešnosti obvladovanja napetostnih razmer ter navedba ukrepov, ki so bili opuščeni, kar je botrovalo odstopanju višine napetosti. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so opisane zahteve SONPO glede višine napetosti, v nadaljevanju smo analizirali povezavo med jalovo močjo in napetostjo ter ukrepe v EES s katerimi lahko vplivamo na višino napetosti. Opisali smo tudi orodje s pomočjo katerega smo ugotavljali vplivne faktorje posameznega ukrepa za znižanje višine napetosti, to je programski paket NEPLAN. Drugi del podaja izdelavo programskega orodja za izračun kazalca uspešnosti obvladovanja napetostnih razmer. Najprej analiziramo možnost zmanjšanja nabora vhodnih podatkov z namenom povečanja hitrosti izvedbe procedur. V nadaljevanju sledi podrobnejši opis delovanja omenjenega orodja.

Keywords:zahteve SONPO glede višine napetosti, programski paket NEPLAN, Newton-Raphson metoda, vplivni faktorji
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72378 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Indicator of transmission-electric-power-network-voltage-profile adequacy
Slovenian transmission system is occasionally faced with high voltage deviations from normal security limits. The objective of the thesis is on one hand to develop a tool which enables tracking of voltage management performance indicator and on the other hand indication of the unexecuted measures which have led to the voltage deviations. In the first part of the thesis, the requirements of Slovenian national grid code (SONPO) regarding the voltage levels are discussed. Furthermore the reactive power influence on voltages in the transmission system are discussed and means for successful voltage management exposed. For the simulations of voltage influencing factors, NEPLAN power system simulation software has been used, which is also briefly described in the thesis. The second part is dedicated to the performance indicator tool development. First the possibility of reducing the range of the input data in order to increase speed of procedures execution is analyzed. Finally a detailed description of the tool functionalities are presented.

Keywords:the requirements of SONPO concerning the voltage levels, NEPLAN power system simulation software, Newton-Raphson method, the influencing factors

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