
Računalniški vid za pomoč slepim in slabovidnim pri navigaciji : diplomsko delo
ID Markočič, Jan (Author), ID Kristan, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D8404606B9AF2013D3D897D0DD62AD89
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f622955e-d0ff-45a9-a20f-03fe49367c9d

Slepi in slabovidni ljudje imajo veliko težav pri opravljanju vsakdanjih opravil. Tehnologija lahko pomaga pri reševanju problemov slepih. Še posebej velik problem predstavlja navigacija v nenadzorovanih okoljih, za kar obstaja veliko tehnoloških pripomočkov. Tehnologija je že toliko napredovala, da je velika procesorska moč na voljo ljudem po relativno nizki ceni. Novi algoritmi za rekonstrukcijo okolja omogočajo učinkovito zaznavanje ovir v realnem času. S pomočjo takšne tehnologije se robotika vzpenja, lahko pa jo uporabimo tudi za pomoč slepim. V tem delu predstavljamo sistem, ki na podlagi sekvence slik iz kamere razbere oddaljenost videnih predmetov. To stori s pomočjo direktnega monokularnega algoritma SLAM. Glede na zaznane ovire v vidnem polju kamere s predlagano metodo izračuna najbolj obetavno pot za uporabnika. Nato uporabniku svetuje, kam naj se premakne, da se ta ne zaleti. Uporabnik od sistema prejme zvočno informacijo prek stereo slušalk. V smeri, ki si jo sistem izbere, se oglaša zvok, katerega uporabnik triangulira in mu sledi. Testi so pokazali, da se uporabnik s sistemom v ovire zaleti šest-krat redkeje kot brez sistema, kar nakazuje na velik potencial našega pristopa.

Keywords:monokularna kamera, SLAM, ocenjevanje globin, izogibanje oviram, stereofonski zvok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[J. Markočič]
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72343 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536490691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Computer vision as a navigation aid for visually impaired
Accomplishing many of the every-day activities present a significant challenge to visually impaired people. One of such challenges is navigation in an unsupervised environment, which might be well addressed with technological solutions. The recent technological advances have made computational devices with significant processing power a widely affordable commodity. In parallel, the advances in computer-vision-based systems allow scene reconstruction in real time paving the way for realistic systems for obstacle detection. As the field of robotics is quickly advancing with the help of such technologies, we can use it to help visually impaired people. In this work we propose a computer-vision-based system for navigation of visually-impaired in unsupervised environment. The system is composed of environment analysis sub-system and the navigation sub-system. A direct monocular SLAM is used to estimate a model of the user's environment. A new algorithm for analysis of this model and detection of potential obstacles is proposed. Based on the obstacle detection result, the system selects the most appropriate direction of motion to minimize the probability of collision. This information is provided to the user by a sound-based interface -- a stereo headset. The direction of motion is provided to the user by placing sources of sounds in the virtual three-dimensional space that user perceives through the stereo headset. The system was evaluated in a real environment. The results have shown that the subjects wearing the system were six times less likely to collide with the obstacles in their environment than the subjects not wearing the system. Albeit basic, the experiments indicate a great potential of the proposed system for navigation in realistic environments.

Keywords:monocular camera, SLAM, depth estimation, obstacle avoidance, stereophonic sound

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