
Variations: bibliografski informacijski sistem za glasbo : magistrsko delo
ID Pauman Budanović, Mihela (Author), ID Žumer, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E2C0A5730720EA96064944A4E2FB7C2F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/edb432ec-fe7c-46b9-ab68-3e3ba1b8cf6b

Na področju glasbe je konkurenca med ponudniki informacij zelo velika, zato se lahko uporabniki odločijo, ali bodo uporabljali knjižnične kataloge, ki niso vedno enostavni za uporabo, ali pa bodo informacije iskali drugje. Uporabniki pogosto izberejo enostavnejše ali cenejše rešitve, ki niso nujno najboljše za reševanje njihovih potreb. Čeprav knjižnice še vedno veljajo za zanesljiv in bogat vir informacij, je zelo pomembno, da oblikujejo kataloge tako, da bodo uporabnikom omogočali učinkovito iskanje. Trenutno katalogizacijska praksa ne omogoča učinkovite podpore uporabnikom pri njihovem iskanju in nalogah kot so najdenje, identifikacije, izbira in pridobitev informacijskega vira. Zato je potrebno spremeniti katalogizacijsko prakso. Ena izmed možnih rešitev je model Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise (FZBZ). Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kako primeren je sistem Variations, ki temelji na modelu FZBZ, za iskanje glasbenih dokumentov, v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi knjižničnimi katalogi. Zato smo primerjali sistem Variations s tradicionalnima katalogoma COBISS/OPACin WorldCat. V nalogi je opisan celoten razvoj modela in njegova implementacija v sistem Variations. Primerjava informacijskega sistema, ki temelji na FZBZ in tradicionalnih katalogov je pokazala, da FZBZ omogoča boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Rezultati kažejo, da vsaj tri naše ugotovitve podpirajo uporabo FZBZ. Izboljšanje glavnih funkcij kataloga: iskalne (lokacija) in zbirne (kolokacije). Jasnejši prikaz odnosov med zapisi, ki so v tradicionalnih katalogih prikazani zgolj implicitno ter izboljšanje navigacije po katalogu in pri rezultatih iskanja.

Keywords:FZBZ, Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise, knjižnični katalogi, bibliografski zapisi, informacijski viri, informacijski sistemi, magistrske naloge bolonjskega programa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pauman]
Number of pages:104 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72231 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:52274786 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2015
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In the highly competitive information environment for music, users are faced with the choice of either using catalogues that are not always easy to use or turning elsewhere for information. They often opt for easier or cheaper solutions that may, or may not, completely satisfy their needs. While libraries still remain a source of reliable information and hold increasing amounts of information, it is of highest importance to design library catalogues to help users find the information they seek more efficiently. However, current cataloguing practices cannot efficiently support users in their information seeking process and the tasks of finding, identifying, selecting and obtaining resources/information. Therefore a fresh look for future cataloguing is needed. One possible answer is the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model. The purpose of this master thesis is to find out how suitable a FRBR-based Bibliographic information system, Variations, is for retrieval of musical documents compared to the traditional catalogues. Therefore Variations has been compared with traditional catalogues COBISS/OPAC and WorldCat. The thesis describes all stages of model development and shows how the model was implemented into a Variations system. Comparing a FRBR-based bibliographic information system against a current catalogues, the results show that FRBR-based system offer better user experience than traditional catalogues. Results show that at least three of our findings support FRBR in general. Firstly, the objectives of the library catalogue (finding or collocation) are improved. Secondly, a clearer presentation of the relationships which are implicit in the traditional databases found in libraries today. Last but not least, the possibility of navigating the catalogue is improved.

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