
Določanje meje naselja na primeru strnjenih vaških naselij : diplomska naloga
ID Vidic, Nina (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Foški, Mojca (Comentor), ID Mrak, Gašper (Comentor)

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MD5: A104ECFDA9E032D74336EA6707DF57C8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/63e8ab88-1d4c-48e9-a853-51858497a808

Namen diplomske naloge je določitev meje strnjenih vaških naselij glede na različne kazalnike na podlagi razpoložljivih prostorskih podatkov. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene različne definicije meje naselja od slovenske prostorske zakonodaje do različnih avtorjev, ki so se ukvarjali s proučevanjem naselij. Na podlagi razpoložljivih podatkov in izbranih kazalnikov smo na primeru treh testnih naseljih Gorica in Studenčice v Občini Radovljica ter Kočna v Občini Jesenice, določili mejo naselja za vsakega od obravnavanih naselij. Vsa tri naselja spadajo po tipologiji v strnjena vaška naselja (Fister, 1993, 20). Mejo naselja smo določili s pomočjo podatkov o katastrski občini (GURS, 2014), o meji naselja iz Registra prostorskih enot (GURS, 2014), o Evidenci dejanske rabe kmetijskih in gozdnih zemljišč (MKO, 2013), o namenski rabi prostora (Prostorski red Občine Radovljica, 2012 in Občinski prostorski načrt Občine Jesenice, 2013) ter na podlagi določanja odmikov (angl. »buffer«) od objektov. Dobljene rezultate za posamezno naselje smo medsebojno primerjali. Ugotovili smo, da meje naselja ne moremo določiti na podlagi meje katastrske občine in meje naselja iz Registra prostorskih enot. Ostalih pet kazalnikov je dalo primerljive rezultate. Ugotavljamo, da je za smiselno določitev meje strnjenega vaškega naselja nujna kombinacija večjega števila kazalnikov ter kadar je le mogoče tudi terenski ogled. Prenos kazalnikov za posamezen tip naselja na raven vseh naselij v Sloveniji je težaven zaradi velike raznolikosti Slovenije ter različnih naravnogeografskih okolij, ki na podlagi preizkusa na treh izbranih primerih naselij ni mogoč.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, GIG, strnjeno vaško naselje, meja naselja, Studenčice, Gorica, Kočna, določitev meje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Vidic]
Number of pages:XIV, 42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72157 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6750817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Determining the border of settlements in the case of village agglomerations
The purpose of the thesis is to determine the boundaries of dense rural settlements according to various indicators on the basis of available spatial data. In the theoretical part we’re presenting different definitions of the boundaries of the village of Slovenian spatial planning legislation to the various authors who have dealt with the study of settlements. Based on the available data and the indicators we defined in the case of three test areas Gorica and Studenčice in Municipality of Radovljica and Kočna in Municipality of Jesenice, we set boundary of settlement for each of mentioned settlements. All three settlements belonging by the typology to the compact village settlements (Fister, 1993). Boundary of the village were determined using data on cadastral municipality (GURS, 2014), on the border of the village from the Register of Spatial Units (GURS, 2014), on the Record of the actual use of agricultural and forest land (MKO, 2013), on purposely land use (Spatial order Municipality Radovljica, 2012 and the Municipal spatial Plan of the Municipality of Jesenice, 2013) and on the basis of determining deviations (»buffer«) of objects. We compared the results obtained for each village and found out that the boundaries of the village can’t be determined on the basis of the cadastral municipality borders and boundaries of the village from the Register of spatial units. The other five indicators gave comparable results. We can establish that for a reasonable determination of boundaries of the compact village settlements, is essential to combine a large number of indicators and whenever possible the field visit. Transfer of indicators for each type of settlement to the level of the whole settlements of Slovenia is difficult due to the great diversity of Slovenia and because of nature-geographical environments variety and is not possible only on basis of the test on those three selected cases of settlements.

Keywords:suburban settlement, the boundary of the village, Studenčice, Gorica, Kočna, border demarcation Abstract

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