
Preprečevanje zank v omrežjih Ethernet
ID DOLENC, ANŽE (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 690AD63AD4210070854E886DEFD16D87
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4222f74c-e016-4eb7-bc76-c22318f8c20d

V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni standardi in rešitve, ki v drugi plasti referenčnega modela ISO/OSI omogočijo zanesljivejše delovanje omrežja in nudijo podporo višje ležečim plastem. Protokoli omrežje zaščitijo pred nastankom zanke, tako da logično prekinejo fizično povezavo, hkrati povečajo robustnost in kvaliteto omrežja. V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena in analizirana standardizirana protokola STP in RSTP, ter rešitev EAPS, ki ga je razvilo podjetje Extreme in funkcionalnost PortFast proizvajalca Cisco. Za potrebe analiziranja vseh štirih rešitev smo postavili testno okolje, kjer se je preverilo delovanje posameznih protokolov na obeh proizvajalcih - Extreme in Cisco, ter izmerilo čase vzpostavitve konvergence v primeru napake znotraj omrežja. Analiza vseh rešitev, ki jih lahko uporabimo v današnjih omrežjih, je pokazala da se proizvajalca držita predpisanih časov vzpostavitve konvergence in ne prihaja do anomalij. Ključna razlika je bila pri uporabi rešitve EAPS, kjer se je čas vzpostavitve konvergence bistveno zmanjšal.

Keywords:konvergenca, zanesljivost omrežja, topologija drevesa, STP, RSTP, EAPS, PortFast
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72141 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2015
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Title:Ethernet loop protection
In the thesis are presented standards and solutions in the second layer reference model ISO/OSI, which enable network reliability, and providing support to higher layers of the model. Protocols network protect against the loop, transforming into a loop-free topology, where logically deactivate physical connection. Those protocols also increasing the robustness and quality of the network. In my thesis I will presented standardized protocol STP and RSTP, solution EAPS, developed by the Extreme and functionality PortFast manufacturer Cisco. We have to set up a test network, where were analyzed all four solutions on both manufacturers – Extreme and Cisco, and measured time of establishing convergence in case of failure within the network. Analysis of all solutions, which can be used in local networks, has demonstrated that convergence was within the prescribed time and there were no anomalies. The main difference was in case of using EAPS, where the time of establishing convergence is significantly lower.

Keywords:convergence, network reliability, loop-free topology, STP, RSTP, EAPS, PortFast

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