
Vključevanje oseb z gibalno oviranostjo v boccio : diplomsko delo
ID Šotl, Katarina (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V javnosti se vse bolj izpostavlja pomen vključevanja v šport. To vključevanje je še posebej pomembno za osebe z gibalno oviranostjo, saj lahko služi kot rehabilitacijsko sredstvo, poleg tega pa ima še številne druge pozitivne učinke, kot so druženje s prijatelji, boljša telesna pripravljenost ter možnost dokazovanja na tekmovalnem nivoju. Pri tem pa pogosto naletijo tudi na različne ovire, kot so pomanjkanje organiziranega treninga in pomanjkanje trenerjev ter ustrezne opreme. Diplomsko delo v teoretičnem delu opredeljuje dejstva s področja športa gibalno oviranih, podrobneje pa je predstavljena tudi boccia, dvoransko balinanje za invalide, ki je primerno za osebe s težjo gibalno oviranostjo. V praktičnem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, s kakšnim namenom so se gibalno ovirani odločili za vključitev v boccio in kaj jim ukvarjanje z boccio pomeni danes, kot aktivnim igralcem. V nadaljevanju smo ugotavljali težave, s katerimi so se soočali kot začetniki in kasneje kot aktivni igralci. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kdo so osebe, ki so boccio predstavile gibalno oviranim, in kakšen je vadbeni režim igralcev. Vključenih je bilo 31 aktivnih igralcev boccie iz Slovenije in Hrvaške. Rezultati so pokazali, da se gibalno ovirani vključujejo v boccio zaradi druženja, ukvarjanje z boccio pa jim pomeni predvsem možnost druženja z drugimi tekmovalci. Najpogostejša težava, s katero so se vprašani soočali pri vključevanju, je bilo pomanjkanje organiziranih treningov, v nadaljevanju njihove poti pa je največjo oviro predstavljalo pomanjkanje finančnih sredstev. Boccio jim je najpogosteje predstavil drug igralec boccie (48,4 %). Vsi igralci se pred tekmo ogrevajo vsaj 2 minuti, medtem ko se na treningu ogreva 83,9 % vprašanih. Ugotovili smo tudi, da le manjši delež (38,7 %) vprašanih med tekmo pije tekočino.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Šotl]
Number of pages:VI, 52 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72121 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10661705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Boccia participation for people with physical impairments
The importance of active participation in sport is more and more emphasized in public. It is especially important for people with physical impairments as it may serve for rehabilitation purposes. It also has many other positive outcomes, such as socialising with friends, a better physical shape and an opportunity to achieve good results in competing. People with physical impairments are facing different obstacles, such as lack of organized training, lack of coaching staff and of proper equipment. The theoretical part of the thesis defines findings in the field of sport for physically impaired athletes and presents in detail boccia - indoor bowling for the disabled, a sport that is well suited for people with severe physical impairments. In the research part we tried to determine the motives for physically impaired to participate in boccia and its current importance to them. Furthermore, we tried to find out which difficulties occurred at the beginning of their sport participation and which emerged later, during their active involvement. We were also interested to find out who introduced boccia to them and what are their training habits like. The research included 31 active boccia players from Slovenia and Croatia. The results of the research have shown that people with physical impairments participate in boccia for socialising. Active involvement in boccia is especially important because it gives them an opportunity to socialise with other competitors. The most commonly cited obstacle they were facing at the beginning, was a lack of organized training, and the most commonly listed obstacle during their active participation was a lack of economic resource. Boccia was most often introduced to the physically impaired by another boccia player (48,4%). All players warm up for at least two minutes before a match, and 83,9% of players warm up at a training session. We also discovered that only a small number of players drink fluids during a match (38,7%).

Keywords:physical impairment

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